Chapter 9

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Liam's POV

As soon as I left Niall's room, I sprinted as fast as I could down the hall. Finally! Niall was awake and seemed to be alright, I smiled to myself. But as I reached the elevator to go down to the front desk, my phone vibrated. I looked at the screen and sighed. It was Danielle. Ever since Niall fell into a coma, she called me almost everyday. She begged and pleaded with me to take her back, and I've come very close a few times actually. But I'm not sure if I can trust her anymore. And I dont want my haert shattered again either...And then there's Niall. Sweet, innocent, loveable Niall. That night we kissed...I definately felt something...a small spark going off the second our lips touched. I still don't know what to make of that...I havent told anyone though...hell, I barely even left Niall's room for the past two weeks to tell anyone even if I wanted to!...exuse my language...Anyways, I decided to answer her call.


"Oh Liam! I was afraid you wouldn't answer my call..." She whispered, her voice cracking at the lat word. She had been crying...

"Danielle I-" She cut me off.

"Liam just listen to me. I was drunk. I didn't know what I was doing. I love you Liam! You're my one and only. I'm sorry! I really am. I've been crying ever since and I m-miss you s-so much..." She began to cry.

My heart began to melt at the sound of her sobs. "Shhh...Shhh...It's ok don't cry." I cooed into the phone.

"But Liam! It's not alright! You hate me, and I hate myself for doing this to you! I broke your heart! And I know that someone as sweet as you are doesn't deserve a bitch like me."

I stayed silent and let her words sink in...mybe she really hadn't meant to hurt me...

"Liam....I know you don't deserve this but...will you take me back?"

"Danielle....I....I don't know..." was all I could say.

"Liam it's fine. I've caused you enough pain. I talk to you later or something. Bye"

"Danielle! Wait!"


Shit. What did I just do? well I cant go back now... "Yes." I said "Yes I'll take you back."

"SERIOUSLY!? OHMYGOSH LIAM THANK YOU! I won't let you down babe. I love you!" She yelled.

"Love you too, boo. Now I gotta go Niall just woke up from his coma. bye!"


And with that I ended the call. Then I ran down the hall to the elevator. I pressed the down botton. As soon as the doors opened on the first floor I sprinted down the hall to the front desk. I arrived at the front desk a little out of breath.

"He's awake." I siad between gasps.

"Exuse me? Could you elaborate for me a little bit please? Who, may I ask, is "awake"? She questioned me.

"Oh sorry miss. Niall. Niall Horan. He was in a coma and he just woke up."

She began frantically typing on her computer. "Ok thank you, Mr....Payne I believe? The doctor will be right up." She said with a smile.

"Thanks!" I said and then ran back to the elevator. I pressed the up button and jumped in as soon as the doors opened. When the doors reopened to reveal the second floor, I raced down the hall and into Nialls room only to be shoved out again by the doctor.

"Sorry kid, but you cant come in right now." he said gruffly.

"But I-" I began, but the doctor cut me off.

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