Chapter 4

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Niall's POV

I can't even wrap my mind around what Zayn just said. Danielle CHEATED. And it's all my fault. Yeah, you heard me. My fault. So that's why I'm the way I am right now. Zayn has been trying to calm me down, comfort me, make me feel better, you know the usual things you do when someone starts to you know...cry. But he has no idea he thinks this is just because I'm in love with Liam an don't like seeing him this way, but he doesn't even know the half of it. "Niall, I know you love him" Zayn whispered in my ear so Lou and Harry couldn't hear "but you gotta give him some time." "It's my fault." I whispered barely audible. "What?" asked Zayn with a confused look. I looked up at the older boy, trying to calm myself enough so i could whisper in Zayn's ear. "It's my fault Zayn." I whispered so that only Zayn could hear. Not that Harry and Louis noticed anyway. They were over in the far corner of the room whispering to each other. "Niall, what are you talking about?" Zayn asked with a confused look. I took a deep breath and began to explain everything to Zayn. "Do you remember that club we went to a few weeks back?" I asked. "Yeah...." Said Zayn, unsure. "And you know how Liam brought Dani along?" "Yeah....Niall where are you going with this?" "Just listen. Me, Danielle and Liam were at the bar together. We were talking and laughing and having a good time. But then Liam left to go to the bathroom and Danielle turned to me and says "So who does the Nialler like these days?" Since I had had a few drinks, I was a little drunk and without thinking I told her I liked Liam. At first I thought she would be okay with it. But then she stood, gave me a dirty look, and stormed off. When Liam came back I panicked and told him she had an emergancy and had to go. I think she thought Liam was cheating on her with me because of how close we are." I paused and looked at Zayn. His face was impossible to read. "Is there anything else?" he asked quietly. "Yeah, remember when we were at Liam's the other day?" Zayn just nodded. "And remember when Louis and Harry were being all Larry Stylinson and me and Liam were being all Niam? Well no one saw her but Danielle walked in right as Liam said "I love you Niall" and kissed me on the cheak. As she went to leave, I turned to see her making her way out I was about to call out to her when she shook her head. Then she looked at me with daggers in her eyes and left......I ruined Liam's life because of my stupid feelings towards him. I shoulda kept my distance instead of getting closer to him." I finished with a sigh. By now I'm not crying any more. I'm just numb, emotionless. "Niall, it's not your fault. If Danielle really loved Liam, she would have said something to him or confronted him on it, not just assume things." Zayn said. "But if I hadnt opened my fuckin-" Zayn cut me off. "Niall first of all stop swearing second of all quit blaming yourself. It's. Not. Your. Fault. Okay?" "But I-" "NO NIALL STOP." said Zayn. Lou and Harry's heads whipped around. Shit. Now what? "Stop what?" said Harry. "Nothing" said Zayn. "TELL MEEEE!" yelled Louis. "No, Louis! It's none of your-" "ZAYN. It's fine. I was gonna have to tell them sooner or later." I said. "tell us what? asked Harry. There was a long pause. We just kinda sat there while I tried to find my voice. How was I gonna tell them? Zayn was...different. He a way. Well accepts it I guess is a better way to put it. But Louis and Harry...I'm not sure what to expect from them. Finally I found my my voice and said "I like Liam. Like as in a more-then-friends kind of way." I said quietly. Lou and Harry just knida stared at me with blank expressions. "Well?" I pressed. "Niall, that's..." Harry. "I knew it. You guys hate me now, don't you?" I said as I stood up. I started to make my way to the door, when Louis pushed Harry out of his way and stood up. Harry hit the ground with a loud thump. "LOUIS! What was that for!?" yelled Harry while rubbing bum. "Sorry Haz. BUT WE CAN'T LET THE IRISH ONE GET AWAY!! yelled Louis. Then he sprang at my legs. I tried to make a run for it but Louis' body came crashing into my legs before I had even made it three feet.

Louis' POV

Whoa....again unexpected....but it doesn't bother me really. I could tell that there was something going on with Niall. I wanted to tell Niall that I was okay with that. But I couldn't really put it into words. "Niall, that's..." Harry tried to start, but obviously he was as lost as I was. But before we could say anything else Niall stood and said, "I knew it.  You guys hate me now don't you?" Then he started to make his way to the door. I had to act fast. Like Superman fast. So I shoved Harry out of my way and stood up. I pushed him a little harder then I meant to and he fell. Oops....He landed with a loud thump and yelled at me, "LOUIS! What was that for!?" I gave him a I'll-make-it-up-to-you smile and said back "Sorry Haz. BUT WE CAN'T LET THE IRISH ONE GET AWAY!!" Then I leaped at Niall's legs. He realized what I was doing a second to late and I crashed into his legs and knocked him to the ground. "LOUIS!!! GET OFF OF M-" I covered his mouth with my hand. He bit it but i ignored it and looked him in the eyes and said "Niall, me and Harry don't hate you. We're actually very proud of you. Niall, who had been struggling underneath the older boy's weight, relaxed a little and gave him a confused look. "Yes Niall, proud. You have some gut in the little body of yours. I could have never told you, and Liam, and Zayn, and Harry that I was in love with one of you guys." Niall just looked at me. I knew that Niall hated when I kissed him so I said, "Niall, I'm going to kiss you." Then I tried to kiss his cheek, but Niall resisted and managed to wriggle his way out of my grasp. Then he ran away with me in pursuit. "NIIIIAAAAALLLLLL!!!! COOOOMMMMEEE BAAACCKKK!!!!" I whined. "NEVER!!" yelled Niall but by now he was cracking up. We did this for like 20 minutes. Then we both collapsed on the floor laughing. "Thanks Lou. I really needed that." said Niall with a grin. "No problem. It's my job." I smiled back. Niall sighed and say up. "What do I do now Lou?" he asked me. "What do you mean?" I questioned back. "About Liam." he simply said. "Well Niall do you really love him?" I asked. "Yeah." he replied. "Well then I think you should tell him. But it's your decision, Niall." "I was afraid you'd say that." Then he got up and said "Guys, it's been quite a long day for me, so I'm going to bed. You can stay here as long as you want though." And then he went upstairs. Before we could move, though, Niall ran back downstairs and gave us all a hug and being Niall, grabbed a bag of Oreos. I smiled to myself and then turned to Harry. "Haz, I think we should be off." I said. "But I'm hunnnggrrryy and Niall always has the best food." complained Harry. "We can stop on the way home, c'mon." I said then I grabbed Harry's arm, said goodbye to Zayn, and dragged Harry out to the car.


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