Chapter 8

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Niall's POV

"I don't want to loose you Niall. Ever." Liam whispered. Then silent tears began to run down his face. I lent up to his face and wiped the tears away.

"I love you Ni." He said and pulled me into a tight hug. My heart ached, because Liam only meant that he loved me as a brother. Nothing more. And that kiss we shared meant nothing either. He thinks I was just trying to cheer him up.

"I love you to mate." I responded with a sigh.

"Niall, I be right back. The doctors told me to notify them if you woke up." He said as he let me go.

"Alright." I responded.

Liam got up to leave the room. He put his hand on the door knob, but before he could go anywhere, I called him back. I had noticed something on the underside of his left arm.

"Li?" I called

"Yeah Niall?" He said as he turned back around to face me.

"Let me see your arm." I said

As I watched him, I saw his pupils dialate and a look of.....fear come across him face.

" me your arm." I said again.

"Well...uh...Niall....basically....uh..." He stammered. Woah. He's been around Harry waaay to much...

"LIAM!" I demanded. "Show me."

Liam glanced at the door then back at me. Then he slowly began to walk back to my bed, a look of defeat coming across his face.  He flipped over his arm. The word LOSER that Liam had carved into his arm was suprisingly...gone....but..

"Oh Liam..." I whispered as I stared at his arm. There were at least forty cuts on his wrist varying from big to small. 

"Niall please, don't be upset. I just....didn't know what to do...after what happened with...Danielle...and then you...I didn't know where to turn. I had no one to talk to.

"What about the boys? Zayn could definately have helped you get through this Li." I said

"Yeah I know. But I didn't wanna tell anyone. They all already have enough to deal with and plus I couldn't let them see Daddy Direction in that state! And since you were in a coma and I said I had nowhere to go." He said with a sigh.

As I looked at the sweet, beautiful boy standing in front of me and all the wonderful memories we had shared together came back to me and flashed across my eyes. And now as I see my best mate and band mate in a state of pure sadness and destress, my heart ached for him. Not because I loved him, but because I felt his pain. I could literally feel my heart breaking as I stared into the innocent yet shattered eyes of Liam James Payne. MY Liam James Payne. And at that moment, I swore to myself that I would do what ever it took to make him stop cutting and keep him from ever hurting himself again.

"Liam, can you do something for me?" I said

"Sure Ni, anything." He sighed.

"Promise me, that whenever you feel the need to cut, you will come straight to me. No matter what time of day, whether it be 2AM or 2PM got it?" I said.

"I promise Nialler" said Liam with a smile.

"But, if you cut, and I find out, I will cut myself." I said in a matter of fact tone.

"Niall no I cant let yo-" I cut him off

Yes Liam. It has to be done if your gonna stop this shit." I said with a glare that silenced the protesting Liam immediately.

"Fine." He mumbled with a huff.

"And LiLi?" I asked inocently.

He rolled his eyes. "Yes dear?"

"Can you go get me some food? I'm hungry." I said with an inocent smile.

*sigh* "I knew it was only a matter of time before that sentence crossed your lips." He chuckled "Ok babe, I'll be back soon with the doctor and some food." He leaned down and kissed my fore head like I was five. "Hang in there Nialler." Typical Daddy Direction.

hey guys..sorry this is so short! I just needed like a filler cause I've got writers block. If anyone has any ideas it would be soooo helpful! I would love you forever and I'll dedicate the next chappie to you. Unless a bunch of people do.....then I'll like mention you guys at the beginning...or something...yeeahh....But SUMMER IS HERE and i'll have loads more time to write so i'll update faster and what well bye babes! love you all :D <3


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