Chapter 11

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Allies POV
    Training sucked, Brice wouldn't let me do anything. I literally just stood there and watched my mate do everything withought me. And when I did try to go off and do something Brice would just drag me back to were I was standing, and then tell me to stay by his side. It was so boring. And now we are walking back to the house and im kind of mad. I also haven't talked to Brice since we left the training field.
     I fold my arms across my chest and turn tword Brice after we walk through the back door. My mate looks down at me with a frown on his face. "Babe, whats wrong?" He asks and I look hard into his eyes. "You didn't let me do anything today. The only reason I went was so that I could do stuff, but all I did was stand there and watch..." I rant. "Its not fair, you said I could train with you!" After I was done with what I had to say, I turned around and stomped off up the stairs to our room. "Allie, im sorry I just didn't want you to get hurt wile I wasn't watching you." I heard from behind me, but I didnt stop and made my way to the room to change out of my 'workout' clothes.
     I took my time changing, and when I was done I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen to grab a water bottle. Then made my way to the garden, and sat on the swing and rocked back and forth wile sipping on my water bottle.
  This place is beautiful. There is a small pond with litle lilly pads, about 5 feet away from the swing that I am sitting on and there are frowers everywhere. I love places like this. And the ground has a path made of stones well put together. Its amazing. Whoever made this place has a good sence of were to put everything to make it look perfect. My time in the garden was soon interrupted when Brice busted through the front door and was loking around frantically before his eyes landed on me and he physically relaxed.
         Brice slowly started to make his way tword me and when he was close enough for me to hear him he started talking. "I was going to let you cool off in the room but after 30 minutes of not hearing anything from up stares I got worried, and when I went up there you were gone." He said with a worried look in his eyes. "Oh, sorry." I said to him and he sat down next to me. I guess I was out here longer than I thought. "I really like this place..." I say looking around the garden. "Im glad you like it, my dad had it built for my mom when she was pregnant with me. It was were she spent most of her time. My father made it were nothing can get in from the outside of the fences so that my mom could be out here withought him but could still be perfectly safe and protected." He said looking off at the flowers on the side of the garden.
     I look over at Brice and he turns his head twords me. I look into his eyes and lean in to kiss his cheek, but right before my lips made contact he turned his head and I kissed him on the lips, wich I didn't mind. My mate grabed my hips and sat me on his lap. Instinctively I rap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist, withought separating our lips. Brice stands up and starts walking. We brake apart and my lips make there way down his jaw line to his neck and leave love bites all over his neck. I hear a slight moan leave my mates mouth and I pull back slightly.
    My mate practically ran up two flight of stairs before slaming the door to our room open, closing the door with his foot and locking it with one hand. He walks us over to the bed and lays me down stripping off his clothes wile I do the same. He comes back over in only his boxers and im only in my bra and panties. Our lips connect again and when we pull apart for air he trails kisses down my jaw and neck to my mark. I moan loud when he kisses my mark. And we continue withought stopping until we are officially completely mated.


   Im so sorry, im really bad at writing those kinds of parts but at least it happend right? Anyways thank you so much for reading and as always if you see any mistakes please leave a comment and I will try to correct the problem the best I can. Please vote and comment and thank you again for reading.

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