Chapter 7

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Allies POV.

        As I stand behind Brice I hear him growl a low, dangerous growl. One that if it were directed twords me I would have shit my pants.
         I peek out from behind Brice's strong muscular back to see the eyes form into a pack of rogues. Now I'm scared shitless. I start shaking out of fear. I know that Brice is strong, really strong because he is the Alpha King, but him against 15-16 wolfs. We don't stand a chance. But I knew he wouldn't go down withought a fight.
    Soon after their stair off, what looks to be the leader, steps forward and gets into an attack stance. Brice didn't notice it but I heard paw steps behind us. I move closer to Brice and he slightly looks down at me telling me with his eyes that its okay. Soon about 10 wolfs come out from behind us and I notice the beta, Jackson I think thats his name, Idk. And my guards right away. After a short stair session Brice pushes me back slightly and then all of the wolfs go running at each other. I back up. Not that the royal wolfs are loosing but they are being pushed backwards. One of the rouges sees me and starts running tword me. And then another. I turn and start running with two nasty wolves following me. I keep running and soon I'm about 10 feet away from a large rock in front of the pond. I would jump in but its not warm enough. Not like its snowing but it surly isnt a warm spring day and I bet the water is freezing. I turn around and see that Im cornerd. Two wolfs infront of me, or a 20 foot drop off into freezing water.... what would you choose? I take a step back and the rouges take two steps forward. I really dont want to die like this.
          I look over the sholder of one of the rouges and see four men comming tword them. One being Brice, one being the Beta and two guards. I guess the wolves saw them too because they both came running twords me I take another step back not knowing exactly how close to the edge of the rock that I was, then loose my balance and start to fall, and fall until freezing cold water enveloped me into a frozen oblivion.


Brices POV.

   After killing the rest of the rouges I look over to where I left Allie, but she was nowhere to be seen. I start running in that direction, following her sent. My Beta and two men follow me. I keep going until I see two backs of the rogues and the face of my mate  standing on the edge of the twenty-foot drop off of the pond I walk forward slowly but I guess the Rogues saw me and started running toward Allison she takes one step back and soon starts falling backwards. I hear a scream escape her lips and then a big splash I run forward killing the two Rogues and then dive into the pond. As soon as I get into the water it is shocking how cold it is but I open my eyes and swim downwards, and see Allison slowly drifting down. I go, swimming as hard as I can until I can grab her arm and pull us both up tword the surface. I reach the surface and then climb out of a pond pulling Allison with me. As soon as I get onto the shore of the pond Allison is coughing up water and it's freezing cold. And I don't know what to do. Her eyes open and I pull her to my chest. She is so cold and breathing rapidly. I pick her up and cradled her to my chest. I start running home hoping to get there soon enough to warm my mate up. I reach the castle and throw the doors open running all the way up into my room. Allie is shaking when I sit her down on my bed and her lips slightly bluish-purple. She is so cold. I start panicking and take her soaking wet clothes off and she dosn't complain. I pace back and forth for a minute before walking to the bathroom turning on the bath and getting it to a warm temperature before gently picking Allie up and walking back into the bathroom. I sit her down in the water and climb in behind her. I wash her down then mindlink someone to bring up some chicken noodle soup to warm her up. After Im done rinsing Allie off I pick her up and take her into our room and sliping on one of my shirts over her head. On our bedside table was the soup I asked someone to bring. I walk over to my mate and let her drink the warm soup. After she is done I sit the bowl back down and bring her to my chest and bring my comforter up arround us letting her warm up some more. Soon she is out like a light. I let out a sigh of relief knowing that my little Allie is all right and is safe in my arms. Its only 1 in the afternoon but that doesn't matter because today has been a long day so far. And my mate is tired so I am going to lay here untill she wakes back up. After another hour and a half I slowly start to drift off to sleep with my liitle mate in my arms safe.

    Thank you so much for reading and please vote and comment and also let me know if there is something you think should happen in this story because Im running out of ideas and loosing inspiration. And if you have a vover that you think I should use please let me know. Thank you again for everything.

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