Chapter 10

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Allies POV

       I wake up from my dream and look at the time on the clock. 2:45. I reach over to the other side of the bed and move my hand up and down. "Brice?" I wisper. No answer. I look over tword where the door is and see a faint light coming in from underneath the door. Curious, I throw the sheets off of my body and stand up. As I walk tword the door, I hear the faint voice of my mate coming from down the hall. I slowly open the door, hoping that it doesn't make a sound. After I make it out of the room I make my way down the hall until I can make out the voices in Brices office. It sounded like Jack. "Alpha, this is the 6th time in a week that we have had a breach, each time they get closer and closer to the pack house. Its like they have stalked us and know when our patrols are switching. And thats when they attack." Jack says. "What do you want to do?" There was a moment of silence before my mate answered. "Tomorrow tell all warriors that we will meat in the conference room to set up a new patrol schedule, I want every man 16 and older to attend the training starting tomorrow at 9am, and tell them that I will personally be there so if anyone trys to skip, they will be dealt with personally by me." I hear Brice take in a deap breath. "The rouges have pushed there luck by getting this close to our pack house. I will not let my mate be put in anymore danger because of them."
I stay were I am and keep listening. "I understand Alpha, I will have every warrior here at 7am for the meeting and everyone else here at 9am for training."
"Thank you Jackson." My mate says. Five seconds later Jackson leaves my mates office and walks the opposite direction of where I was, not knowing that I was standing there. I walk forward slowly and turn the corner into my mates office. My mate looked like he had run his hands through his hair many, many times. He also looks exhausted. "Brice whats going on?" I say making my presence known. "Allie you should be in bed." He says, obviously not knowing that I heard the conversation between him and his Beta. "I heard what you and Jackson were talking about. How come you didn't tell me about the attacks?" I asked. Brice ran his hands through his hair once more before standing up out of his chair. "Im sorry babe, I didn't want to worry you about anything." He says walking tword me. Wrapping me up into his arms we stand there just enjoying each others company. I lean back and look at Brices face. "You look exhausted and from what I heard we have a long day tomorrow,let's go to bed." I lean up and kiss Brice were his slight stubble is growing on his jaw line. "I don't want to bring you into this at all. And its not up for discussion, just incase you are thinking of anything." I smile up at him and then grab his hand and drag him back to bed.

   Allies POV
        When I woke up the next morning I heard the shower going and jumped up and out of bed. I was not going to let Brice do this withought me. I run to the closet and slip on some work out leggings with my Nike running shoes and a plain black T-shirt that was a little to big so I tied the side up with a hair tie. Right as I heard the shower turn off I was finnishing putting my hair into a high pony tail. When Brice comes out I am sitting on the edge of the bed. He comes out of the bathroom with just a towl around his waist wile drying his hair with a smaller towel. He looks up at my face and then down to my outfit. "Allison, what are you doing?" He looked confused, but did he really think that I would just let him do everything withought me? "Im going with you, and you need to hurry because the meeting starts at 7 and its 6:54. Don't want to set a bad example for everyone else" I state not leaving anyplace for discussion.  He stares at me for a second before smiling and looking at the floor wile walking to the closest to get ready.
     Two minutes later and Brice comes out fully clothed. He walks up to me and asks "Are you sure you want to train with us?" I look into his eyes, "Yes, I am sure. Im tired of being poor, week Allie who can't take care of herself." I look down as Brice takes my hand in his, wile nodding his head and we walk out the door.
     After walking down two flights of stares we get to the floor with all of the meeting rooms. We walk into the one on the far right. As soon as we walk through the doors, all small talk that had been going on immediately stoped. After about an hour, the meeting finnaly ended and we had an hour before training started.
    "Hey, do you want to go grab something to eat before we go, im starving." I say looking up at Brice. "Yea sure, what do you want to eat?" My mate asked me. "Idk, whatever you want is okay with me." I say sitting down on the stool wile Brice looked through the fridge. "How about eggs and ham?" My mate asked looking at me. I nodded my head and he got out the eggs and ham from the fridge and started making us breakfast. After eating we had about 15 minutes before we needed to start heading to the training field. Brice was sitting on the couch while I laid my head in his lap and he played with my hair while I played on his phone.
     After about 10 minutes of this I handed Brice his phone and he stuck it in his pocket wile standing up and grabbing my hand pulling me up too. Then we start to make our way to the training field. Once. We get there we are the first people besides Jackson which was bringing out all of the equipment. Right after we got there, men started showing up instantly until half of the field was covered. Everyone was there right before the clock struck 9, nobody wanting to defy their Alpha. After a small pep-talk from Brice, we all started warm ups. Wich consisted of running 10 laps around the whole field, and 100 jumping jacks. After doing the jumping jacks we all started running. After 4 and a half laps I literally couldn't go any farther, and had to stop. When everyone was finished with there laps I was still breathing harder than them. It was kind of embarrassing. I was also pretty much the only girl out here beside like 3 female warrior. But they were Badass and well im not. Im also to short so I cant see over the tops of people, which is how I kind of sort of lost Brice. Yea, I know, im stupid to ever leave his side, blah blah blah. We all were in one big group and everyone was facing one way. I know that they were all looking at my mate while he gave instructions but I couldn't make my way through all of these people. And I was at the very back.
     Soon everyone started to move to different parts of the field each section with different training equipment. But I didn't move an inch hoping that I would find my mate. Once most of the people had gone I saw Brice standing with his back tword me looking around frantically. I started to make my way to him going around some of the remaining people that were in the center of the field. He turned slightly and saw me walking fast tword him. He turned fully tword me and walked the rest of the way to me taking me into his arms. "God, you scared me half to death, I didn't know were you went." He said into my neck. "Sorry, I couldn't see over anyone and I was at the very back so I couldn't hear you." I said back. "Stay by my side, I don't want to loose you, you could get hurt." He said pulling back and away from me looking me in the eyes. I nodded my head and he took my hand and started walking twords the weeker warriors so that Brice and Jack could make them stronger and more skilled, wile the stronger warriors were sparring with each other.


        Thank you so much for reading and this is probably the longest update that I have ever done. And also one of my favorites. I feel like Allie is starting to be more comfortable and confident in herself and her relationship. Again if you see any mistakes please leave a comment and I will try to correct it the best that I can. Please comment and vote for this story. And again thank you for reading!!!

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