Chapter 8

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Allies POV.

I woke up in my mates arms. Im still slightly cold and a shiver runs up my spine. I slightly move closer to Brices chest and then I feel his arms pull me in even further if even possible. I look over his sholder and see the time on the alarm clock. Its almost 4 o'clock in the afternoon. A pull away from my mate and his eyes shoot open automatically and he starts to sit up. I stand up off the bed and start to walk over to the window. I look out and see kids playing in the garden. As I watch the kids play I feel Brices chest push into my back. The small tingles bring me comfort, and I lean into my mates chest, and rest my head on his sholder.
  "Im so sorry about what happened today." Brice whispered into my ear. I then turned around in my mates arms, "You know as well as anyone, that it wasn't your fault." I whispered, looking up into his eyes and he looked down into mine. He then leaned down and captured my lips in his. We kissed for what seamed to be for ever but in reality was only a few minutes. I pull away for air, as my lungs were burning. Brice had other ideas and trailed kissed down my jaw and then down my neck and to his mark. As he kissed and bit on my mark I moaned as pleasure went all throughout my whole body. Brice grabed my hips in his hands and lifted me up off of the ground. Instinctively I wraped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. Brice walked us over to the bed, lips never leaving mine. When we get there he gently lays me down and gets on top of me. My hands make there way down to the bottom of his shirt and I start trying to pull it off. Brice removes his lips from mine and sits up and yanks his shirt off quickly and throws it somewhere on the floor. Automatically comming back to my lips. Withought removing his lips from mine, he tries to lift my shirt up and off but he lets out a frustrated groan, and rips the whole thing. Do you know how comfortable that shirt was, later  im going to make him buy me a new one, even though it was his shirt. Was, is past tense, its mine now.
        Right as Brice was about to unclip my bra, there was a loud nock on the door. My mate let out a loud scary growl. "WHAT!?!?" He snaped. "Alpha, your mother is here and she isn't the happiest at the moment." I heard Jackson, the beta, say through the door. "Shit," my mate whispered to himself. "Ummm.... Ill be down in a few minutes, keep her busy." Brice said to his beta and stood up going to his closet and changing with the door open. Wile he was changing I was watching his back until he sliped a shirt on and walked back out tword me.
    "Come on babe, its time to meet my mom," he said in a not so happy tone. He sliped a shirt over my head and took my hand and pulled me up off the bed. We then made our way out the door and down the elevator to the main floor. The whole elevator ride Brice warned me about his mother and how she is very loud and very touchy and that she is crazy. But she sounded like a great mother to me, considering I never really had a mom. The elevator doors open and all I see is this older lady running tword me and my mate. I felt very panicky and moved behind my mate still holding his hand. I peek out from behind Brices sholder when I hear a lady yelling. "BRYSON GREY!!!" She yelled. "How dare you not tell me that you found your mate?!?!? And I had to over hear it from a pack member in the café saying that their Luna was attacked by rouges?!?!?" I guess Brice felt my nervousness through the bond because he said "Mom, calm down, youre scaring her!"
      "Well.... Where is she!?!?" His mom asks. Brice looks over his sholder slightly and tugs on my arm making me have to take a step forward if I wanted to keep my balance. But it was enough for his mom to see me. Brice gives me a encouraging smile and puts his hand on my back pushing me forward slightly. I stare at her with wide eyes. What if she dosn't like me. What if she thinks im not good enough for her son. Oh godess shes going to hate me!
      "Mom, this is Allison, my mate," he says slowly "Allie, this is my mom." His mom lets out a small gasp and her hand flies up to her mouth and covers it. A moment of doubt comes over me and I move into Brice's side.
     "Oh my god Bryson. She is so beautiful, and small." She says comming up to me and engulfing me into a big, and when I say big I mean huge, hug. It was kind of overwhelming. "Mom, your going to crush her." Brice said loudly pulling us apart and me tword him. "What? Am I not allowed to give my future daughter inlaw a hug?" She says in a serious tone. "OMG!!! I have to start making wedding preparations!!!"
     "Mom, calm down. Who said we were getting married anytime soon?" Brices mom gave him a look of horror, "Trust me thats what your father said and then not even two months later I was pregnant with you! Oooo, that reminds me.... When am I going to have grand babies?!?!?!?" She said looking expectantly at us with a smile on her face.
    "Mom, that, is not a topic of discussion right now thank you very much, and plus, that is for us to know and for you to find out. Now, babe, are you hungry?" Brice asked and looked down at me with a loving look in his eyes. I nodded my head and all three of us made our way tword the kitchen where there was a person making food and sat three plates infront of us and we all started eating.

     Thank you so much for reading this, again this is unedited and if you see a mistake please leave a comment and I will try to correct it the best that I can. Please comment and vote for this story and comment if you think I should keep going..... And again thank you for reading!!!


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