Chapter 12

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Brysons POV
    I woke up with sweat dripping from my forehead. Something is wrong. Something is terribly wrong.
      I look over at my sleeping mate to make sure she hadn't woken, which she hadn't. I look over at the clock on the bedside table. Its 2:47am. I grab some shorts off the floor by my bed and make my way tword the door, but as soon as I opened the door there was screaming and crying and total chaos. The good thing about my room is that it is soundproof so no one can hear what we are doing in my room, but the bad thing is that because the walls are soundproof I can't hear anything that happens outside of my room.
      I slam my room door back shut and run to the closet grabbing one of my shirts and a pair of underwear, then rush back out to Allie who is sitting up confused. I run to her and slip the shirt over her head and hand her the undergarments to put on. Then I rush her out of my room. Its not safe here in this house for my mate. The only thing that could come to mind about what was happening was that the rouges had finnaly broke through and made it to the pack house, and I have to get my mate to safety before anything happens to her.
     I rush past anyone and everyone. Im walking so fast that my mate trips and stumbled but before she could fall I had her in my arms and out the doors. I rush us both through the woods and to a safe houses wich wasn't really a safe house it was more of a metal box hidden in the bushes with enough room for only 2 people, with a lock only on the inside.
     "Go in and do NOT come out until I nock 6 times. Okay?" I say and kiss my mate on the forehead, before lightly pushing her in and closing the door. I stayed put until I heard the click of the lock. As soon as the lock clicked I turned and shifted into my wolf and ran to help my pack.

Allies POV

     Im so confused right now. I woke up to screams coming from the door and then Brice ran and grabbed a shirt and underwear for me and then we ran out the door. There were people everywhere fighting and crying. I had no idea what was going on. But Brice kept pulling me away from everything before I could get a good idea about what was going on. When we made it outside I was in Brices arms and he was walking quickly to the woods before stoping infront of a metal box that you can barely even see. If he wouldn't of opened the door I would have never known it was there. After telling me not to open it until he nocked 6 times he pushed me in lightly and closed the door. After he left I locked the door and sat down in the corner.
     Its been about 10 minutes sence Brice left and im really worried about everyone. I was staring of into space when there were nocks on the door. I waited and counted the nocks until they stoped. Exactly 6 nocks. I rush up onto my feet and unlock the door, swinging it open. I expected to see Brice standing on the other side of the door, but it definitely was not Brice. The man that was on the other side of the door grabbed my arm as soon as the door was open and took me by surprise. "Who are you? What are you doing, let me go. Let me go!!" I screamed.
       "Did your stupid mate really think that no one would be following him? Did he really think to leave his mate unguarded? The Luna Queen? He really is stupid." The stupid Rouge laughed in my face. "And look she's even to weak to defend herself." He laughed wickedly. I was not going to let him take me away from my mate. Not when everythingwas coming together so perfectly.
     I start to thrash around in his arms until his grip loosened just slightly enough were I gould bring my knee up enough to kick him were the sun don't shine. I may not be the strongest she-wolf out out there, but I will do whatever it takes to get back to my mate.
    His grip on me almost completely faltered and I got my footing and ran. I ran as fast as I could toward the pack house and I knew it was dangerous but I had no choice and I had to find a way to get to my mate no matter what.
    When I got to the packhouse there were only about 12 rogues left but they were fighting strong. Amongst the crowd I saw my mate fighting what look to be the leader of the rouge pack, he was bigger than all of the others accept my mate of course, and was putting up a good fight but I knew that my mate would win because no one can fight the Alpha King and come out alive. He has his title for a reason. Amongst the fight I see a little girl in the corner crying. This must me the most horrible thing that she has ever seen. I cant imagine what she is fealing right now. I dash through the crowd avoiding almost all of the wolves, but no one is paying attention to me, they are to worried about winning there own fights. I run to the little girl in the corner and pick her up. "Its okay im going to get you out of here, okay?" She nods her head with tears streaming down her face. I turn around and look for a way to get out of here. I turn back around and decide to take her to the kitchen because thats probably the safest place in this house and I don't want to take her outside were its cold. I rush into the kitchen and place her in the corner of the room. "Don't leave until I come and get you okay?" I ask and she just nods. Then I rush back out into the main room were everyone was fighting. I look around the room for Brice and see the big wolf that he was fightin on  the ground dead. I look to the other side of the room and see my mate jogging tword me. "What are you doing here its not safe for you here. Why did you leave the seller?" He asks worried, looking me up and down looking for any injuries.  "There was a rogue , I guess he saw you leave and tell me to wait for six nocks because 10 minutes after you left he came and nocked six times, and when I open the door he tried to take me and I kind of need him in the balls and then ran here." I said looking down twords the end. "Well im just glad your okay, and I should have been more careful." He said guilt written all over his face. "It's okay, I'm okay, we're okay." I say leaning in, and Brice meets me half way with his lips. We kiss for what feels like forever and I pull away gasping for air. We hear someone clear their throat and we turn around to see Jackson standing there awkwardly.
    "Alpha all of the rouges are all dead or have retreated." Brice nods his head and turns to the mess all over the entry room. "How many casualties on our side?" Brice asks. "None sir." "Good. How many dead rouges?" "Thirty-eight sir." My mate nods his head and turns tword the warriors. "Good work tonight, but one more thing. If yall can get this cleaned up in an hour and a half, we wont have training for the rest of the week. Sound good?" A chorus of yes sirs, whoops and whistles where heard throughout the room before everyone got to work. As I watch I remember the little girl from earlier and head to the kitchen. When I got there, it was dead silent and there was no one in the room except for me. I searched around every corner and behind every door, but the little girl was gone, completely vanished. "Thats weird." I said to my self. Oh well she must have found her parents.
   It was now 4:50 in the morning and me and Brice were sitting on the couch in the upstairs game room watching 'Home Alone'. Im really tired but I cant fall back to sleep after tonights incidents. I look up and see that Brice is asleep. How can a person be so beautiful? I guess he noticed and said "Your staring" "Im gazing" I shoot back. "Its creepy" "Its romantic" I say leaning in and capturing his lips with mine.

 "Its creepy" "Its romantic" I say leaning in and capturing his lips with mine

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      Soooo I havent updated in a really long time and im sorry!! Anyway thanks for reading. And the last scene I got from 'The Vampire Diaries' which I finished and I did not like the ending but I started it over soo. Anyway thanks for reading and yea, please vote and comment.


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