group chat

867 18 0

Direct message with farklethegenius and smileyriley

mayaxhart - I made a group chat

farklethegenius - I can tell 😂

smileyriley - hi!

mayaxhart - I was bored so you guys have anyone to add? 🤷🏽‍♀️

farklethegenius - I got some

mayaxhart has added smacklecackle to the groupchat
farklethegenius has added zayisthebae and lucasbound to the groupchat

mayaxhart - zay!

zayisthebae - maya! So what's up people,

lucasbound - howdy!

smacklecackle - I've been summoned

farklethegenius - I'm taking some pictures of the sunset

smileyriley - I'm grabbing a smoothie

mayaxhart - drawing

smacklecackle - doing trigonometry problems

lucasbound - sitting next to you zay 😂

mayaxhart - so where is everyone from? I'm in New York

smileyriley - New York

farklethegenius - you know where I'm from 😊

zayisthebae - from Texas in New York

smacklecackle - NYC

lucasbound - from Texas in New York

mayaxhart - hey that's dope, We're all in NYC

mayaxhart - and yeah I know Farkle 🙂

zayisthebae - hey maya where'd you get your looks from?

mayaxhart - my momma 🤑

zayisthebae - I've gotta meet her

farklethegenius - you should she's really cool

zayisthebae - you already have?

farklethegenius - yeah

smileyriley - wow fast friendship

lucasbound - I still can't believe that maya is friends with zay

zayisthebae - what? I'm dope!

mayaxhart - don't be salty cowboy

lucasbound - cowboy?

mayaxhart - you said howdy when you said hi 🤷🏽‍♀️

lucasbound - wow 😂

smileyriley - why don't we all meet up? if you guys want.

zayisthebae - I'm down for that

lucasbound - why not? How about tomorrow?

farklethegenius - I'm in

mayaxhart - me too!

zayisthebae - great let's get this fivesome on the road

farklethegenius - 😂😂💀

mayaxhart - gonna be fun

zayisthebae - I knew she wanted me😂

lucasbound - well I gotta go, text you guys later?

mayaxhart - yeah, everyone stay in this chat

Direct message with farklethegenius

mayaxhart - hey. ahh we still up for movie night?

farklethegenius - yes of course, I'll be there in ten

mayaxhart - great, I'll get popcorn ready and some kool-aid?

farklethegenius - can't wait! Be there soon!

Direct message with mayaxhart

lucasbound - hey beauty

mayaxhart - ??

lucasbound - what? zay and farkle did that

mayaxhart - yeah but you make it weird lol

lucasbound - well that's cool then, but hi

mayaxhart - lol hey huckleberry

lucasbound - huckleberry?

mayaxhart - yeah huckleberry. What's up?

lucasbound - nothing what about you blonde beauty

mayaxhart - blonde beauty?

lucasbound - you have a nickname for me and now I have one for you, boom!

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