part ninetythree

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Five years later.

Maya walked into the house that belonged to her, Lucas, Farkle, Riley, Zay, and Smackle. Seeing Riley sleeping on the couch, and Farkle at her feet. "She fell asleep again?" Maya said laughing,

"Yes. I don't know why she doesn't sleep at night" he laughed as well, maya sat at the single seated couch and took her shoes off. Zay walked into the room with Smackle holding onto his arm.

"Babe stop!" She semi shouted while laughing. "I didn't mean it" she giggled. Zay wasn't really annoyed or mad at Smackle, he knew what she meant, he just loved it when she would try to get his attention. He would get boat loads of kisses.

"Where's Lucas?" Maya asked,

"In your guys room" he said and Smackle crossed her arms,

"So now you decide to speak" he chuckles and takes a seat with Smackle jumping on him,

"Oh get a room" Farkle laughed as he threw a pillow at them,

Maya walked to her and Lucas' room opening the door and seeing Lucas sitting on the bed, "what are you doing in here?" She asked and Lucas looked up, hiding what he had in his hands from maya, "gonna just stare at me ranger rick or are you going to answer?" Maya walked towards the bed and sat next to Lucas.

She felt like they were drifting apart, he was being secretive and she thought he might be cheating on her, although she kept that thought buried deep down, she didn't even want to have the thought cross her mind one more time. "Hey." Lucas blankly said looking at maya then at her hands,

"What's wrong?" Maya sat up and moved a little closer to Lucas, "we haven't talked much lately. Do, Do you want to break up?" Lucas looked at maya directly in her eyes and had a very shocked expression on it,

"No! No I don't want to break up. Is that what you think?" He grabbed Maya's hand and held it tight, she nodded

"Kind of, you've just been so distant lately" she shrugged, trying not to how this topic hurt her,

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry that's what I made you think" he brought maya closer to him and hugged her tight, they fell back on the bed and hugged for a good ten minutes, in completely comfortable silence.

"Maya you know I love you right?" Lucas looked down at her and she looked up,

"I do now" she smiled and picked her self up to leave a peck on his cheeks, before she pulled away he placed his hands on the side of her face and kissed her again and again, she giggled and he laughed letting her go and staring at her,

"Come on" Maya stood up and pulled Lucas to his feet, they walked out to see that it was only Farkle and Zay in the living room,

"Hey maya can you grab me a soda?" Farkle asked and maya looked at him playfully annoyed.

"Yea of course" She laughed,

"Love you!" Farkle shouted, she walked into the kitchen to see Riley and Smackle eating cereal,

"Hello ladies" she smiled and sat with them,

"Hi Maya!" Riley smiled more and Smackle threw a corn flake at her

She walked to the fridge and took out a soda, before she could take it to Farkle Smackle took it out of her hands and drank it. "Hey!" She gently punched her and laughed again, "Hey. You guys notice Lucas acting.. different?" Maya got serious for a moment and took a seat holding another can of soda,

"No, he acts find around here" Riley states continuing to eat her cereal, Smackle sighs

"Yeah but once maya gets here he is acting weird and staying away" Maya looks down at her hands and back up at them,

"What about Farkle and Zay?" Maya had the thought creep into her mind again, maybe he was cheating.

"Farkle has been a little distant but then he gets all lovey dovey, it's just like he can't choose" Riley shrugs,

"Zay has been acting normal, so I have nothing to worry about" Smackle blurt, "oh sorry" they sat there talking for thirty minutes,

"Maya my soda!" Farkle shouted and all three laughed standing up and all walking towards the door, when they opened it, they saw all three boys down on one knee.

"Wait.." maya took a step back,

"Is this what I think it is!!" Riley squealed and ran up to Farkle,

"Zay?!" Smackle looked at his hands to see a ring, in a small maroon box, Farkle had Riley's ring in a yellow box, and Lucas had maya's in the classic black box,

"Smackle, will you be my wife?" Zay asked and Smackle hugged him repeating "yes"

Maya's heart began to race and her temperature rose, Farkle asked Riley saying, "will you do me the honors?" And she said "I will" hugging him, maya walked out of the room and closed the bathroom door, she looked in the mirror and splashed water on her face. Once she left the room she heard utter silence and then a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" She punched her hand knowing it was Lucas,

"It's me" she heard his voice and she instantly felt calm, her heart slowed down,

"I'll be out in a minute"

"Let me in" she unlocked the door and saw Lucas down on a knee,

"Maya. Will you marry me?" She froze, how could she answer? She felt so scared and like all the life had left her body, time started again and without noticing she said yes. Automatic. She said yes. Lucas jumped up and hugged her and she felt butterflies and happiness.

"We all got engaged on the same day!!!" Riley screams.

They weren't over. They were only starting the beginning. Again.

The secret is, this book has now, officially, reached its end.

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