part four

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Direct message with farklethegenius

farklethegenius - hey

mayaxhart - hi, so about those pictures?

farklethegenius - I could take some of you if you want

mayaxhart - that would be awesome!

farklethegenius - then I will anywhere you want to meet? You live in newyork right?

mayaxhart - yeah, ahh you know that patch of field out side of main newyork?

farklethegenius - are you trying to kill me?

mayaxhart - no I swear! 😂 I just think it's beautiful there. So are you free tomorrow, 6? When it's sunset

farklethegenius - yeah I'm free, do you need me to pick you up?

mayaxhart - if you want?

farklethegenius - yeah sure just send me your address

Direct message with smileyriley

smileyriley - hi!

mayaxhart - hello

smileyriley - is this okay? That I texted you?

mayaxhart - yeah it's fine!

smileyriley - great!

mayaxhart - so what's up

Direct message with zayisthebae

zayisthebae - hey just telling you to try and not fall in love with me, I'm just messing around when I comment 😊

mayaxhart - damn. I was already planning out our wedding 😂😂

zayisthebae - I like you, you seem dope

mayaxhart - try not to fall in love 😉

zayisthebae - I'll try 😂 so wyd

mayaxhart - painting you?

zayisthebae - you want to paint me like your French girls?

mayaxhart - 😂😂 no! I meant that I'm painting wbu lol

zayisthebae - good. Because I'm a good boy that doesn't get naked in front of strangers

mayaxhart - mhmm 😂

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