part fortyone

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Direct message with smileyriley

mayaxhart - what do you want to talk about.

smileyriley - maya! I'm so glad you texted me

mayaxhart - what do you want to talk about.

smileyriley - I miss you. I really do and I was an idiot to end our friendship and convince Lucas to have done the same.

mayaxhart - wait, your the reason Lucas stopped being friends with me?

smileyriley - maybe. I'm sorry!

mayaxhart - why? Why would you do that

smileyriley - because i was jealous, I had feelings for Farkle, I mean I have.

mayaxhart - oh. You could have told me. You know I would have stopped dating him

smileyriley - that's the thing. I wanted you happy, I was just to stupid to realize that by ending our friendship I was just hurting the both of us more,

mayaxhart - I lost both of you, I was sad for weeks

smileyriley - I'm still sad, after that Lucas immediately regretted it and stopped talking to me, can you ever forgive me?

mayaxhart - of course I can. But how did you convince Lucas to end our friendship too?

smileyriley - maybe you should ask him.

mayaxhart - I will.

Direct message with farklethegenius

mayaxhart - hey farkle

farklethegenius - hello maya, what's up?

mayaxhart - I talked to Riley, do you think you could forgive Lucas?

farklethegenius - if you want me too yes

mayaxhart - really?

farklethegenius - yes

mayaxhart - thanks. Also she has feelings for you fark

farklethegenius - she she does?

mayaxhart - yea, you should talk to her

farklethegenius - would you be okay with it?

mayaxhart - I heard her reasons, I've forgiven her, go get your girl. Lol

farklethegenius - I'll talk to you later!

Direct message with zayisthebae

mayaxhart - would you be able to forgive Riley and Lucas if I could?

zayisthebae - Riley yea maybe but me and Lucas had a fight before this happened, it would take longer for that to happen. Why?

mayaxhart - well I've forgiven Riley, I haven't talked to Lucas yet.

zayisthebae - well if it makes you happy I'm all for it

mayaxhart - I have feelings for him,

zayisthebae - yea I know

mayaxhart - I'm gonna tell him

zayisthebae - if you two happen and your happy he's forgiven

mayaxhart - thank you!

zayisthebae - I have to go its date night with Smackle

mayaxhart - have fun!

Direct message with lucasbound

mayaxhart - you wanted to talk.

lucasbound - maya yea I do

mayaxhart - about what?

lucasbound - I miss you. A lot. I regret what I did

mayaxhart - I miss you too. But why'd you do it?

lucasbound - because I have feelings for you short stack. Very big feelings.

mayaxhart - I have feelings for you too.

lucasbound - you do??

mayaxhart - yes. Very big feelings huckleberry.

lucasbound - so what now.

mayaxhart - I don't know. I would like to be friends again.

lucasbound - yea I would like to too.

mayaxhart - so we are friends?

lucasbound - uhh yea

mayaxhart - okay.

Direct message with smileyriley

Smileyriley has been unblocked

farklethegenius - hi

smileyriley - farkle!

farklethegenius - is it true you have feelings for me?

smileyriley - um... yes.

farklethegenius - I have feelings for you too.

smileyriley - you do!??

farklethegenius - yea I do.

smileyriley - can we please be friends again

farklethegenius - can we be more than friends?

smileyriley - really? But maya.

farklethegenius - she sent me. And yes really

smileyriley - then yes! Of course!

farklethegenius - can you hang out today?

smileyriley - yes!

Direct message with lucasbound

zayisthebae - so we are going to have to talk sooner or later

lucasbound - I really hope sooner

zayisthebae - yea well here I am

lucasbound - I miss you man

zayisthebae - cool

lucasbound - come on,

zayisthebae - I've missed you too

lucasbound - can we please be best friends again?

zayisthebae - we are gonna have to be if you and maya date,

lucasbound - I don't think we will, we said friends when we made up

zayisthebae - get your self off of your sorry ass and ask her out

lucasbound - yea I missed you

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