part sixteen

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Direct message with mayaxhart

lucasbound - hey what's up

mayaxhart - hanging out with Farkle, he says hi

lucasbound - tell him I said hi too. I'll text you later then so you guys can hang in peace lol

mayaxhart - no it's okay, wyd?

lucasbound - just laying in bed on my phone

mayaxhart - your not trying to send nudes are you?

lucasbound - no! Gross ew

mayaxhart - I was kidding 😂

lucasbound - nasty

mayaxhart - hey huckleberry Farkle wants to know if you wanna go somewhere and hang with us

lucasbound - you guys want me there? Cause I'm good here

mayaxhart - yea, your our bestfriend and it beats just laying there

lucasbound - okay then where?

mayaxhart - eat?

lucasbound - sure, anywhere specific?

mayaxhart - well I want tacos, but now I'm to lazy to leave

lucasbound - I could bring tocas? And we could hang out there

mayaxhart - yes! Thanks you! Ranger ROY

lucasbound - no problem blondie. Be there in awhile

mayaxhart - okay!

Direct message with zayisthebae

mayaxhart - you busy today?

zayisthebae - yea taking a trip back to Texas but ill be back in three days

mayaxhart - noooo! Ugh

zayisthebae - I know you'll miss me to much but I have too

mayaxhart - yeah I know I know

zayisthebae - so why you asking?

mayaxhart - me Farkle and Lucas are gonna hang out

zayisthebae - well sorry I can't wish I could but I'll see you in three days

mayaxhart - can we still talk when your over there?

zayisthebae - of course!

Direct message with smileyriley

farklethegenius - what's up Pluto!

smileyriley - hey and helping my mom with the store,

farklethegenius - that's cool, you okay?

smileyriley - yeah I'm fine

farklethegenius - you sure? You know you can tell me anything

smileyriley - im fine. Thanks for caring, I gotta go

farklethegenius - me too. Bye

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