part twentyseven

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Direct messages with smileyriley

mayaxhart - please tell me what's wrong

smileyriley - maya it's nothing, please drop it

mayaxhart - if someone hurt you I'm not afraid to hurt them

smileyriley - maya please I just need time

mayaxhart - your my bestfriend what do you need time from. You've been avoiding me.

smileyriley - YOU.

mayaxhart - me? What did I do? I'm sorry.

smileyriley - you get all this attention from everyone and anyone, you also get the really sweet and hot guy to be your boyfriend

smileyriley - it's hard being friends with you

mayaxhart - so your jealous?

smileyriley - ...

mayaxhart - Riley I don't force people to comment on my posts, and I can't help the fact that Farkle likes me and I like him,

mayaxhart - i don't know what you want me to do

smileyriley - I just think it would be better if we took time away from being friends for awhile

mayaxhart - Riley? Do we really need to?

smileyriley - ever since I started posting pictures with you or people knew we were friends, I've been getting more likes and comments

mayaxhart - so your jealous? This is what's it's about. Jealousy!

smileyriley - yea maybe it is.

mayaxhart - bye.

Direct message with lucasbound

zayisthebae - so we aren't friends anymore?

lucasbound - we just haven't hung out in a while

zayisthebae - we've been friends since we were six

lucasbound - well frankly I don't appreciate you choosing them over me

zayisthebae - what's that supposed to mean?

zayisthebae - also you've been hanging out with maya and farkle you don't see me complaining

lucasbound - you know what it means. And I've been great without you so just stay friends with them

zayisthebae - wow. Okay Lucas, I see how it is. See you around.

Direct message with lucasbound

mayaxhart - so we aren't friends anymore?

lucasbound - I

mayaxhart - I don't know what you guys want me to do.

lucasbound - I just.. I don't know what I'm siding on.

mayaxhart - I don't want this to happen,

lucasbound - but.. it is.

mayaxhart - so I'm the bad guy?

lucasbound - no! Of course not.

mayaxhart - but apparently I am. we've been hanging out and and having fun. And now you say you don't want to be my friend anymore?

lucasbound - I don't know what you want me to say

mayaxhart - I want to know what I did that is making you leave.

lucasbound - maya.. please.

mayaxhart - your leaving! just like like

lucasbound - please stop!

mayaxhart - you said you wouldn't. You said you'd always be there for me. But your leaving just like everyone else. I don't know why I ever told you my f-ing life story.

lucasbound - goodbye short stack.

mayaxhart - bye Lucas.

Direct message with smileyriley

lucasbound - she called me.. Lucas. 😔

smileyriley - I'm sorry. This is my fault.

lucasbound - why are we even doing this? Because you like Farkle and I like maya? They are our friends and we are ripping their hearts out.

smileyriley - I can't stand seeing them together. It hurts.

lucasbound - it hurts knowing that I just shattered Maya's heart!

Direct message with lucasbound

farklethegenius - what did she do to you huh?

lucasbound - Farkle stop.

farklethegenius - no! She's crying because you and Riley. how could you do this you know about her past, How stupid of you.

lucasbound - she's crying?

farklethegenius - yeah she is. Thanks to you.

lucasbound - I didn't know she'd cry.

farklethegenius - so losing two of her bestfriends wouldn't make her cry? Especially loosing Riley!?

lucasbound - calm down Farkle,

farklethegenius - f you.

Direct message with smileyriley

farklethegenius - I thought you were different.

smileyriley - I'm sorry.

farklethegenius - yea I am too.

smileyriley - for what?

farklethegenius - for thinking we could have ever been friends the rest of our lives. For telling you my entire soul, for believing that you brought out only happiness for everyone.

smileyriley - please stop.

farklethegenius - for thinking you were the type of girl who doesn't care about likes and comments.

smileyriley - Farkle..

farklethegenius - I was wrong.. so terribly wrong. Good bye Pluto.

smileyriley - Farkle..

smileyriley has been blocked

Direct message with lucasbound

zayisthebae - how could you.

lucasbound - sorry but I had too

zayisthebae - it didn't bother you before, now your gonna break her heart

lucasbound - i gotta go

zayisthebae - figures

Direct message with zayisthebae and mayaxhart

farklethegenius - so it's us against the world?

zayisthebae - I guess so.

mayaxhart - yea.

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