part fourteen

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Direct message with smileyriley

mayaxhart - please talk to me. What happened?

smileyriley - I liked this guy but it didn't work out.

mayaxhart - I'm sorry, but you'll find someone I swear it!

smileyriley - yea maybe,

mayaxhart - hey let's go out somewhere, clear your mind and have fun, yea?

smileyriley - sure

Direct message with farklethegenius

lucasbound - so you and maya are together

farklethegenius - yeah. I'm really happy.

lucasbound - that's great. Just treat her right, things are going good for her right now.

farklethegenius - I know. And I will. She told you about???

lucasbound - yeah.

Direct message with lucasbound

zayisthebae - I know I said I was happy for them but I low key thought you and maya would be together

lucasbound - guess it's just not going to happen. But as long as I get to stay friends with her I'm okay

lucasbound - I want her and Farkle happy

zayisthebae - your a good friend Lucas

lucasbound - thanks

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