[11] - Cleaned Up

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Last time on Loved:


The first day she moved in, after we ate the pizza, he wouldn't stop talking about her. He even started planning their lives together, their first kiss, first holiday together, everything. It was sickening at the time, but now it was sad. I hope she wakes up soon.

This time on Loved:

Three months later...


Ethan visited me everyday, talked to me, and played our song. I wanted to scream at him that I was going to be okay, that I was going to get up. Every time I tried to get up, it never worked. I tried so hard though, and even though I didn't want to admit it, I wanted Ethan to move on and be happy, even if it was without me.


It had been three months, of course I stayed by her side during most of it. I would tell her how much I loved her, among other things. I kind of let myself go too, I'm sad a lot of the time, my hair has grown out a lot, and I don't even care to style it anymore. This time was my last time visiting her, even Gray told me I need to move on, they were going to unplug her in a month.

"Hey Sky,"

I took a deep breath,

"Wow, this is harder for me to say in person."

I started to tear up.

"If you can hear me, then you've probably have heard, that they are going to unplug you in a month."

Another breath,

"I-I don't want to say this, but I need to. That day when I left you for an hour, and you ended up here, do you know what I was getting? An engagement ring, that's right. I told you that I wanted to marry you, and here it is."

I took out a box that had been in my pocket since that day. I opened, and I stared at it. I could feel a tear going down my face.

"I want to marry you, even now. But I can't for obvious reasons."

I laughed through the tears.

"Come back to me."

I grabbed her hand, and it grabbed me back. I looked up,

"DOCTOR!" I screamed.

A doctor rushed into the room,

"What is it?" He asked,

"She grabbed my hand."

"Someone get him out of here." He said as a nurse took me out of the room.

I was sitting in a waiting room chair, texting Grayson.

G: Why? Is Sky okay?!
G: I'll be there soon.

I was feeling very anxious, and my leg was bouncing up and down. I had a shaky breath, and I realized that I still had the  engagement ring in my hand. I looked at it and smiled,

"What a blessing." I kissed the ring,

"What are you doing bro?" Grayson asked.

"There is no way this was a coincidence. I was about to say goodbye to her for good, but then I decided to tell her about me wanting to marry her. And how I got the engagement ring that day, and she grabbed my hand."

"No way dude."

"Yes, it happened."

He hugged me,

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