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My shield had disappeared from my wrist and I fingered the gold charm bracelet with worry

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My shield had disappeared from my wrist and I fingered the gold charm bracelet with worry. What was Camp Jupiter? Why did mom have a sword? Why did I have a shield! And why were my siblings acting like they were about to loose me forever?

"Guys.. I need answers." I whispered. The car had been quiet for far too long. They said they would explain on the way but here we and sat in complete silence for nearly five minutes as Carter drove like a complete maniac. When I had first asked him why he kept swerving, changes lanes and taking back end routes he had simply replied with,

"To get the monsters off our tail." I had shut up after that, trying to think everything through on my own. Natasha had called those dogs.. Hellhounds? As in, dogs from the underworld? Those weren't supposed to exist, though I suppose, if you believe in god and satan then maybe they should exist but I wasn't Christian or Catholic or religious in any way shape or form. Natasha looked back at me sadly.

"First we're going to see dad. He'd be upset if we took you to camp without saying goodbye."

"Goodbye?" I had whispered back. Natasha turned away gravely and my bottom lip began to tremble as I tried to reform the shield from my charm bracelet. That's where it had come from after all, I'm sure of it. I didn't have a metal arm or anything and my right arm with the bracelet had gone up first to protect me.. but as I tried to imagine the shield, I kept thinking of those hellhounds and how hell bent they were on killing me. But why?

Finally, we reached the car dealership where Natasha's car and our dad was waiting. He looked so relieved as Carter parked the car and all three of us stepped out. Surprisingly, he embraced me first, kissing my forehead. My siblings stood back solemnly. "Don't be afraid. I've just talked to mom, she's alright. Everyone at the school thought it was pack of rabid dogs that she fought off with a bat. Everything is going to be fine."

"But.. Natasha said.." I glanced back at her. "Hellhounds? Mom had a sword. This!" I exclaimed holding up my bracelet. "Was a shield!" He closes my hand around the bracelet.

"Keep it on honey, it will protect you."

"Protect me from what?" I shouted out. "What's going on? Why are you guys acting so weird?" Nobody said anything. Dad slowly hugged me to him.

Raging Waters// Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now