I Think There's Something in the Dark

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     You carefully weaved in and out of the neatly arranged bookshelves that filled the majority of the main section of the library you worked in, making sure not to bump the cart full of precariously stacked books against one of them. The last thing you wanted to do was disrupt the calming quiet of the building by causing your books to tumble all over the floor. You picked the first book up off the cart and checked the title; Crime and Punishment. "Fyodor Dostoevsky." You mumbled the author's name to yourself and checked to make sure you were in the right isle before placing the book in its correct place.

     After about an hour of returning and rearranging misplaced books, you were finally finished. You let out an audible sigh of relief before slumping down in the middle of the isle you were in and leaned up against the now empty cart. Sure, you loved the library and all, but sometimes doing the same thing over and over could make your brain go numb, especially when there was no noise to accompany your mindless repetition.

     You stayed on the ground for a little longer before standing and returning the cart to the front of the library. You searched through the keys on your lanyard and found the one you needed to unlock the cabinet underneath the return desk, then quickly pulled out your {fave color} backpack. The older woman who you worked with, Ms. Fletchington, waved a goodbye to you before you exited the small building.

     Cold, harsh air slapped you in the face the minute you left the protection of the dark brick walls that stood around the entrance of the library. You quickly zipped up your black jacket after finally getting the zippers to join together without the help of your shaking hands and threw the hood over your head. While you shoved your hands into your pockets as you passed the sign that read {your town} Public Library, you silently wished you hadn't lent your roommate, Madeline, your car. She needed it to drive into the next town over for a job interview and was staying for a few nights, and at the time you were happy to oblige since you didn't have any plans and you never went anywhere further than walking distance. If only you'd known it would get this cold.

     You picked up the pace as you turned down the street that lead to your apartment complex, eager to get inside where there was heat and blankets galore. An uneasy feeling began to creep up and down your spine as you walked past the empty parking lot of a strip mall. The sound of dry leaves scraping against the asphalt beneath you caused you to jump a little. You scoffed at your own nervousness and urged yourself to calm down. You walked this route all the time, not to mention you'd done it much later than the time it was currently. You glanced at your watch quickly. "10:37. It's not that late {y/n}, stop being paranoid," you thought to yourself. But no matter how much you consoled yourself you could shake off the feeling that something dreadful was going to happen.

     To your relief, you had reached the gate to your apartment complex and all too eagerly punched the password into the code machine. As you waited for the gate to slide open, it felt as if you could feel eyes piercing the back of your neck. You turned your head slightly to look over your shoulder and scanned the area, then did the same on the other side of you; you didn't want to spin around and shout "who's there" and look like a paranoid idiot. Your eyes weren't able to find anything in the empty darkness, but that didn't make you feel any better. You could still feel that piercing gaze, imaginary or not.

     Hearing the clank of the gate against its restraints caused you to slip out of your nervous trance. You forced yourself to walk casually into the gated area instead of running into it like a panicked child into its mother's reassuring embrace. There were still people heading into their respective buildings and the main office lights were still on. What would the other residents think if they saw a nineteen year old acting like they were three? Not very good things, that's for sure. You took a couple of deep breaths in order to calm yourself down as you continued your casual pace over to building number four.

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