Helpless and Hapless

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     The dining hall was incredibly large and rather beautifully decorated. The long beige walls were lined with buttresses made of black stone that matched the floor. Between each buttress was a wall sconce reminiscent of the top of a street lamp, and each sconce sent a small cascade of light onto the floor. The glass dining table sat on top of a white rug which was decorated with elaborate black spiral-like designs. Above the center of the table hung a large crystal chandelier. The crystals were shaped like raindrops and dangled delicately in the air, refracting the light from the center of the chandelier in every direction. 

     You couldn't help but admire the room and Dio's eye for interior design. Along with being nice to look at, it was refreshing compared to the dark and gloomy room you had woken up in. Your attention was drawn from the room to a door situated in the back corner and you watched as a woman you guessed couldn't be much older than you wheeled out a cart full of food. She was wearing a stereotypical maid uniform, although much shorter, and knee high socks. She placed a plate of pasta in front of you, its tantalizing aroma instantly filling your nose. The woman did the same to Dio, who was sitting across from you and poured you each a glass of wine. 

     You thanked her, although you didn't exactly want the alcoholic beverage and looked over at Dio awkwardly, not knowing if you were allowed to eat right away. Instead of getting some sort of non-verbal answer, which you were hoping for, your eyes were greeted by the sight of Dio trailing his finger across the maid's face and brushing her black hair behind her ear. The woman sat upon his lap like it was some sort of throne and he had hold of her neck as if it were a prize. Startled and thoroughly embarrassed, you shoveled a fork full of pasta into your mouth, training your eyes on a random point on the table.

     You weren't exactly sure what to feel. Jealousy definitely wasn't it; you were thanking both heaven and hell that you weren't the one perched on his lap. It could be pity, but at the same time she seemed to be enjoying the attention Dio was giving her. You settled on a mixture of relief, secondhand embarrassment and pity, not wanting to contemplate it more and make your head hurt. When she finally headed back into the kitchen, you were twirling pasta around your fork absentmindedly.

     "If you don't like it I can ask for another dish, {y/n}," Dio said, bringing you out of your noodley distraction. "Oh no, it's fine. Really it is," you insisted. You really didn't want the maid to come back and encourage more of Dio's fondling. The man sitting across from you raised an eyebrow at your overly insistent tone. You mentally face palmed yourself, hoping that it hadn't gotten you into an even more uncomfortable situation. To your relief, he didn't say anything of it and took a bite of his food. The dinner continued in silence for a few minutes before you decided to prod Dio for answers.

     "Where are we?" you questioned, taking your first sip of the wine in front of you. Your face contorted slightly from the bitterness but you held it down. "Cairo," he stated simply. Your eyes widened in surprise for two reasons. One because you didn't expect such a direct answer and two because of the answer itself. You felt any hopes you had of being rescued vaporize in midair as you hear that single word answer. You weren't just simply cities, possibly even minutes away from your apartment like you had original assumed. You were entire countries away from home.

     Dio caught on to your distraught expression. "Surprised?" he asked, taking a bite of pasta. You didn't answer him. The feeling of complete and utter helplessness had almost consumed you. "Don't worry. There's a chance you won't be here for very long. And even if you are, I'll always be here to keep you company," he told you, saying the last part in a tone of voice you couldn't quite pinpoint. Your eyes lifted to meet his, your distressed gaze meeting his apathetic orange one. The fact that he was so emotionless sparked a flare of anger in your heart for an instant, but it was quickly smothered by your self loathing.

     You stood up, as if in a trance, and slowly walked towards the hallway that served as the entrance to the dining room. All you wanted to do was lay down and never get up again. To your surprise, Dio didn't object or try to stop you. He just watched you leave while continuing with his meal. You spent about ten minutes wandering through the large and empty mansion, having absolutely no idea where to go before you spotted the landscape paintings hanging on the walls that looked the same as the ones that lined your hallway. You pushed open a random large wooden door, hoping it was the right room. 

     Almost instantly after you fell onto the bed you felt hot sticky tears roll down your cheeks. Your entire body was racked with sobs, and you quickly threw your hand over your mouth in order to muffle your cries. Like hell you were gonna let Dio hear you cry. You slammed your fist onto the mattress and opened your eyes to stare at the plain shadowed ceiling. For some odd reason you found it calming, and after some time you found yourself drifting off into a dreamless sleep.

I'm so sorry this took so long to update, but it's finally here! Enjoy my lovely children <3 MgSO4


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