Cat and Mouse

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     Slowly and resentfully, your mind began to slip from its comfortable haven it called sleep, forcing you to enter the waking world. You blinked your eyes a couple of times in order to clear your blurred vision, then rubbed them afterwards for good measure. As you became more awake, there were three things that were brought to your attention. Three things that didn't add up if last night went the way you remembered it.

     For one, you were lying underneath the covers of the large bed you had slept in; the one you hadn't even bothered to tuck yourself into since you were so distraught the night before. Secondly, you lay facing a large, red velvet chair. If you remembered correctly, that was the chair Dio had been sitting in when you were first introduced to the man holding you captive. The third thing was the most unsettling of all. You could feel the heat of a body pressed up against yours.

     You pulled the covers back quickly to make sure you still had your clothes on and to your relief, you did. Your eyes moved to the person laying next to you and you could feel your stomach plummet to the ground. A mixture of anger and horror filled your brain as you stared at none other than a shirtless Dio lying fast asleep beside you. Why the hell was he there?! You jumped off the bed as the man began to wake up, not sure exactly what to do.

     He groaned and let out a large yawn, stretching in the process. Each of his muscles flexed as he did this, causing you to turn your head towards the wall. You didn't want to encourage him in any way, shape, or form. He hummed as he saw you standing before him. "Up already {y/n}?" he mumbled sleepily, his orange eyes fogged by sleep and his blonde hair hanging messily around his face. "Why are you here?" you questioned with an aggravated tone. "Well if I do recall, you fell asleep in my bed last night, not your own. I just came in and made you comfortable," he replied coolly, standing up and taking a few steps towards you. You backed up until your back was against the wall, fear filling your {eye color} eyes.

     A smirk crept onto his lips as he placed his hand gently around your neck and slowly applied pressure. A small mewl of terror escaped your mouth as you cowered in front of Dio's hardened stare. "For your own safety, I suggest you stop using such a hateful tone whenever you speak to me, got it? You should be thanking god I haven't gotten rid of you yet," he spat, causing you to flinch at his words. When he said this, you could have sworn you saw two fangs, one on each side of his mouth, but you quickly brushed it off as your imagination. You nodded in response, biting your lip nervously. In doing this, you accidentally bit a hole in your lip causing yourself to bleed.

     Dio brought a finger to your lips and slowly dragged it across them, wiping the blood off and bringing the finger to his mouth. Staring you in the eyes, he licked the blood off his finger and brought his face closer to your ear. "You do taste good, though, {y/n}. I'm rather tempted to just drink your blood right now," he cooed softly, tightening the grip he still held on your neck. Your blood ran cold as he said this, making you tremble with fear. Was he a vampire? No, that's ridiculous! Vampires are just a myth you're psyching yourself out, {y/n}. You could feel Dio drag something sharp across your neck, along with his warm breath, causing you to whimper. He let out a deep chuckle and brought his head back up to stare you in the eyes.

     "I won't. Not if you prove your worth," he said, grinning widely. "Will you do that?" You nodded quickly, too afraid to speak. "Mm, I don't think I like that response too much." He looked at you expectantly, and you felt a twinge of disgust in your stomach as the words formed on your tongue. "Yes Lord Dio," you said, barely keeping yourself from spitting the words at him. "Good. You best not mess up," he threatened, releasing his hold on your neck and leaving the room without another word.

     You collapsed against the wall behind you and held your head in your hands. What the actual fuck was happening? You had been kidnapped and taken to Egypt by some weird floating guy named  Vanilla Ice and now  you're being held captive by a possible vampire. This was so unreal. You wanted to believe you were dreaming, but anything you felt be it pain or sadness felt legitimate. Your eyes were directed to the door as it opened slightly to reveal Dio's head. "I forgot to tell you. Your uniform is the the wardrobe," he said before leaving again. My uniform?...

     You nearly laughed out loud at the uniform in the cabinet. The laugh wasn't exactly from amusement, however, and more from disbelief. Laying folded neatly in front of you was the skimpy maid uniform the other woman had been wearing last night. Like hell he was gonna make you wear that! 

Omg I am so sorry for taking so long to update and for such a short uneventful chapter T.T Either way I hope yall enjoyed <3 MgSO4

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