A Timely End

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     "Well then, that was rather loud," Dio teased, fixing you with a belittling glare from above. You laid underneath his huge body, panting and flushed after an embarrassingly intense climax. "Yeah, well don't get to excited about it," you said, squeezing yourself out from under his arms and grabbing the robe you had worn into his room. "Whether or not you're satisfied is of little consequence to me, I care about my own pleasure." You scoffed to yourself, grateful that he was at least self aware. "On that note, {y/n}, I think I've found someone else who does a much better job at giving me what I need," he mentioned nonchalantly. "You're relieved of duty." The beating in your chest was so loud and intense, you were sure Dio could hear it. You'd finally be free of this wretched, horrible place.

     "I can nearly taste your excitement," he cooed, making his way over to where you were standing and caressing your cheek. As his hand fell off the side of your face, you could feel your stomach wrench in pain and disgust. His fingers pierced into the soft skin on your neck, blood staining your robe and coating his fingers. A cry escaped your lips, your hand rushing to the hole to try and cover it up as Dio brought his fingers to his mouth to savor the taste of your blood. The blood loss was already making you dizzy, the oozing red liquid forcing its way around your hand and through the cracks in your fingers. He moved your hand out of the way with ease, grabbing hold of the veins and playing with them. Blood began to pool in your mouth and your vision was anything but clear. Dio slipped his tongue into your open wound and followed you to the ground as your legs gave out and turned to jelly.  He was saying something, you were sure of it. You couldn't even begin to comprehend the strange sounds coming from his mouth at this point, you just focused on the feeling of death, how it slowly crept up and took hold of each of your limbs, how it finally embraced you after so long, how you felt so empty and cold and ironically complete. This is how it was always meant to be. You were nothing special, just a toy meant to be played with and tossed out when it outlived its usefulness.

Hey guys. That was a lot less gorey than originally intended, but it's finally over. I'm terribly sorry it took so long and eneded to abruptly, but it's been a long two years writing this thing. I started my junior year of high school when I was bored, but it quickly got overshadowed by my school work, preparing for college, and the novel I began and am still working on (I haven't decided if I'll upload to here yet). Now that college started a few months ago and I've been dealing with living on my own and how to not spend all my money so I won't starve, I've barely given this fanfic any thought. However I knew I needed to finish it somehow and even though I pretty much lost interest in it, I knew yall still liked it and wanted to see it end, and I had to give yall at least some form of closure. I'm sorry that life got in the way of this, but it was definitely a fun journey writing it, and I always enjoy reading yalls comments and reactions, they're pretty entertaining. As far as other works in the future, they most likely won't be JoJo related at all and more focused on videogames and my actual original works. Y'all can always message me on here or whatever and I'll try and revive the discord server I made if yall wanna stay in touch with me while I work on other projects and go through college. Also i *may* start streaming on twitch, but nothing too fancy at all lmao. Anyways, sorry for this being so longwinded. In short, thanks for supporting this through thick and thin, and sorry for not being super committed. I love yall bunched <3 ~Celeste
P.S. This is really sloppy cus its 5:30 in the morning and I have a test when I wake up yayy

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