I Wish I Had Those Ruby Slippers

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Throbbing. The only thing you could feel or comprehend was throbbing. A throbbing in your head that just wouldn't go away. You groaned and shifted slightly. From the way the surface under you felt and the slow chill seeping into your body you could tell you were on the floor. You began to open your eyes, bracing yourself for some sort of bright, blinding light, but you were greeted with nothing of the sort.

As your eyes adjusted to being open for the first time in who knows how long, you took in as much of your surroundings as you could. You were in a large, dark room, the only light was provided by a multitude of candles lit along the wall. They had a sweet smell to them, but you were too out of it to try and determine the specific scent. It was impossible to tell the time of day, for the windows were boarded up carefully and had an additional layer of blackout curtains just to make sure no sunlight crept through into the room.

You moved to sit up to get a better view of the room, but you were tugged back down by restraints around your ankles and wrists. You blinked in surprise, your headache and complete confusion had prevented you from noticing the tight shackles, but now that you were aware of them you shuddered from the contact the cold metal made with your skin. Your heart began to beat faster as you realized the situation you were in. "Where the hell am I? What's going on?!" Your mind was scattered in as many directions as there are shards of glass from a broken mirror.

You could feel your throat tighten as tears welled up inside of you. You'd been kidnapped. The last events in your memory suddenly came flying back to you, filling your head with more fear and confusion. Hot, salty tears pushed their way out of your eyes and made a soft plopping sound when they landed on the hard stone floor. You bit the sleeve of your shirt to muffle your sobs, not wanting your captors to hear you if they were anywhere nearby. You squeezed your eyes shut and took deep breaths, trying your best to calm yourself down.

How long had you been unconscious? Where could you possibly be? Did anyone know of your disappearance? Thousands of questions flooded your mind but no matter how hard you tried to come up with a reasonable answer, you couldn't. The distant sound of footsteps drew you out of your thoughts. You wiped your cheeks off on your shoulder as best you could and pushed yourself up against the wall, trying to look as small as possible. Your {eye color} eyes watched the large wooden door anxiously. While you were terrified of whoever was going to open the door, you were also hoping that you would be able to get any sort of clue to your location from whatever was outside the room.

The footsteps that had progressively grown louder as you cowered against the wall stopped in front of your door. You could hear the jingle of keys and the click of the lock as your captor turned them to unlock the door. Your heart was pounding in your chest; it felt as if it was trying to leap up your throat and out of your mouth. You pushed yourself more against the wall in the darkest section, hoping that your captor wouldn't be able to see you from there, though that wasn't very likely.

The door made a creaking sound as it swung open and the silhouette of a man was outlined by the slightly brighter light coming from the hallway he stood in. You noticed that the lack of light was characteristic throughout the whole building, or whatever you could see of it anyway. Unfortunately this made it difficult to determine where you were, especially from your spot hunched against the wall. The man standing in the doorway began to move towards you, and you silently cursed the shadows for not hiding you well enough.

Now that he was closer, you could tell that this was the same man who had appeared in your kitchen when you thought you were alone. There was no mistaking his long, reddish-brown hair and stern purple eyes. However this time around, he wasn't mysteriously floating and had his lower half attached to his body. You attempted to scramble away from him, but he quickly grabbed hold of your arm and forcefully pulled you back in front of him. Without saying a word, he unlocked the shackles that were keeping you chained to the floor and pulled you on to your feet.

He noticed the look you gave him, a mixture of confusion and terror, and he let out a quiet sigh. "My name is Vanilla Ice," he said in a calm, almost bored tone. "I am taking you to my master, Dio-sama." That was all he said, and you could tell he wasn't going to say any more. A small smile crept onto your lips despite the situation. "Vanilla Ice is such a weird name," you thought to yourself. Your eyes scanned the long hallway you were being taken down. Each and every window you passed was boarded up and covered in curtains just like the ones in your room. The walls were lined with dim light bulbs, each separated by a painting of landscapes and old buildings.

You noticed a staircase to your left. Your eyes darted to Vanilla Ice, who was looking ahead instead of at you. You could break for it. It was risky, but maybe you could make it. Taking a big breath, you darted away from your silent guide towards the staircase. Before you could take a third step, you felt a violent tug from your hair which made you cry out in pain. You fell onto your knees, causing both to be marked by carpet burn. You were yanked back upwards onto your feet like a rag doll and met with a cold, hate-filled stare. You swallowed your spittle and stared back into the cold glare of Vanilla Ice, unable to look away.

"Don't you dare try that again. Do you understand?" the tall male hissed, tightening his grip on your {length} hair. You nodded furiously, biting the inside of your lip to keep from whimpering. Satisfied with your answer, Vanilla Ice let go of your hair, gripped your wrist tightly and dragged you after him. You gazed longingly at the staircase, heartbroken that your feeble attempt at escape had failed. You were brought out of your self-induced trance when you felt yourself ram into a wall. That wall, however, was Vanilla Ice's back. He didn't stumble or let out so much as a grunt from the impact, just glared at you once more with his cold purple stare.

You peeked around his body to see that you were stopped at a large wooden door, much like the one that guarded the room you had left. Vanilla Ice knocked on the door and stated his name. From inside the room you heard an ice cold, yet silk-like voice say, "Come in." Vanilla Ice opened the door and pulled you in after him, allowing you to have your first look at this 'Dio' he had told you about.

I've been switching back and forth between my phone and home desktop while writing this, but I'm finally done. The internet on my laptop keeps crashing which is infuriating, but I've dealt with it so far. I hope yall enjoyed this chapter <3 Magnesium_Sulfate

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