Cold as Ice

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     You stood facing the back of a large, red velvet chair. All you could see of Dio was his legs, which were slung over the arm of the chair, and his right shoulder, which you noticed was extremely muscular. You heard the tup  of a book being closed and watched as the man placed whatever he was reading onto the table next to him. He stood up slowly, not in any hurry to meet you and sauntered his way over to you and Vanilla Ice.

     Beside you, Vanilla Ice dropped to his knees and bowed. Afraid that something bad would happen if you didn't, you fell to your knees as well and trained your eyes on the floor. Your nervousness grew as Dio drew closer, and you felt your stomach clench when he stopped in front of you, his shoes a few inches from your face. "Vanilla Ice," he said lazily. "You may leave now." The red haired man nodded and exited the room, leaving you with Dio. Your heart was racing and your clenched palms were perspiring greatly. 

     "Stand up," he commanded, his dark and icy voice sending shivers up and down your spine. You did as he said, keeping your head down so to not make eye contact. Even without seeing his entire body, it was obvious he was an enormous man. The top of your head only came up to the center of his chest and you could clearly see each and every one of his muscles outlined underneath the tight black sleeveless shirt he was wearing. You jumped when you felt his icy finger push against the soft skin under your chin, lifting your head to make eye contact with him.

     You felt your heart sink in your chest at the sight before you, not because of disappointment, but because looking into his eyes made you feel so incredibly helpless. Piercing into your {eye color} orbs were Dio's  deep orange ones. A few strands of blonde hair fell around his chiseled expressionless face which was examining your own. He turned your head to the left and to the right, taking in every detail of you without saying a word. Finally, he broke the silence.

     "You're trembling," he stated, his voice laced with amusement. A smirk danced across his face as he said this, causing you to shudder even more. He leaned down until his mouth was right next to your ear, his hot breath stirring the strands of hair that hung there. "There's no need to be afraid," he cooed, the silkiness of his voice making your knees weak. "Not yet at least," he chuckled, moving away from your face. 

     You felt like a deer caught in headlights, unable to move or breathe. After standing there, caught in his gaze for what seemed like hours, you finally mustered up the courage to speak. "Wh-why am I here?" you asked, stumbling on your words. Dio raised an eyebrow. "Did Vanilla Ice not tell you?" "I didn't ask," you admitted, dropping your eyes to the floor. The smirk on his face grew larger as he fixed you with a hungry gaze. "Simply, my dear, to do whatever I ask until I get bored of you," he declared. 

     Your eyes widened at Dio's response and you raised your gaze to meet his. He seemed to be taunting you, feeding off your fear and taking great pleasure in it. "I don't believe you ever gave me your name," he noted, fixing you with a look of expectation. You glared at him, keeping your mouth shut. The fear and uncertainty that had gripped your body earlier was beginning to wear off and you were starting to feel more bold. 

     Dio's face flashed with irritation, his piercing gaze making you instantly regret you slight moment of defiance. His arm snapped towards your face and he gripped it tightly in his hand. Your cheeks began to ache from how hard he was holding them, causing your eyes to water. A small squeak of pain escaped your lips. You grabbed his wrist, trying to remove his hand but it was useless; it wouldn't budge. "I won't ask you again," he growled, his voice low and menacing.

     "{y/n}," you managed to say, your eyes begging him to let go. He kept his grip for a few more seconds before roughly letting go and turned away from you, trying to regain his composure. You rubbed your face softly in an attempt to bring the feeling back to your cheeks. It worked a little bit, but not the way for wanted, for now you could feel a much more prominent ache. The tall blonde turned back to you, his face back to a calm expression laced with the slightest hint of compassion. "Now, {y/n}, my dear, you must be hungry," he purred, brushing a strand of your {hair color} hair behind your ear.

     You scowled at his hand, but didn't object to his touch. You weren't about to have him inflict more damage on you that would no doubt be to a higher degree. His sudden change in mood didn't amuse you one bit. While his looks were remarkable and god-like, that didn't change the fact that he was a total asshole. You simply nodded in confirmation to his statement, and a growl that came from your stomach backed up your action.

     "You're in luck then." Dio opened the door before continuing. "I had the chef prepare us a meal while we had this lovely meeting." You followed him out of the room and down the hallway, where he stopped in front of the room you had woken up in. You shot him a look of suspicion which caused him to roll his eyes. "You will take a shower and change your clothes before dinner. You've been wearing that for the past three days," he informed you.

     Dio had left you alone in what you assumed to be your chambers to make sure everything was running smoothly. You discovered the bathroom in the corner of the bedroom, which had been blocked from your sight when you woke by a large wardrobe. You quickly got undressed and stepped into the shower, relishing the feeling of warm water against your skin. You couldn't believe you had been chained up in your 'room' for three days. Madeline, your roommate, was definitely back from her time in the city by now. Were people searching for you? If only you knew how far away from home you were.

     After about 40 minutes, you finally finished what could possibly be the greatest shower of your life. As you wrapped yourself in the towel that was laid on the counter, you remembered that you had nothing else to wear besides the clothes you were kidnapped in. You left the steamy bathroom, contemplating whether or not you should wear your dirty clothes again when you heard a deep chuckle come from the center of the room.

     Your eyes peered through the mild darkness to find Dio leaning casually up against one of the tall bedposts. A deep blush instantly painted your face and you gripped the towel around you tighter. "What are you doing in here?" You half shouted, trying your hardest not to stutter. "I was just bringing in a change of clothes for you," he said innocently. However his eyes didn't match the pure tone of his voice. They were watching you like a wolf watches prey, making you feel tiny and vunerable.

     "Um..I need to get dressed," you mumbled, his eyes draining out any rage that had fueled your shout. He made a soft clicking sound with his tongue, obviously disappointed with your request for him to leave. "I'm well aware," he said simply, making no move to leave. Your face turned crimson when you realized he intended on watching you change.

     "Don't worry, I won't lay a finger on you," he said in what you assumed to be a reassuring tone. To put it simply, you weren't reassured. Not in the slightest. Your heart was in your throat as you slowly dropped your towel. You fixed your eyes on a randon spot on the wall, avoiding any sort of eye contact with him. This, however, didn't seem to bother Dio at all. It quite amused him actually. "Now what am I supposed to wear?" You asked, your voice dry. "It should be in the wardrobe," he replied, motioning to the piece of furniture behind you.

     You clenched your fists into balls as you spun angrily on your heel, allowing Dio to get a look at your backside. You gritted your teeth as you heard him hum in satisfaction. "Fucking pervert," you thought to yourself, opening the cabinet and pulling out the panties, bra, and simple short black dress that lay folded in the first drawer. You threw on the outfit hastily, shooting a death glare at Dio once you finished. Who did he think he was?!

     This didn't phase the tall man in the slightest. He returned your glare with a smug grin and held out his arm for you to take. "Now, {y/n}, shall we head to dinner?"

I am so terribly sorry if this chapter feels at all rigid, rushed or lifeless! Also for any spelling or grammatical errors I made. I started writing this thing at 3:30 in the morning and I'm just now finishing at 5:15. But besides that I hope yall enjoy! <3 MgSO4

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