Part 4

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There was an awkward silence. " I go find my room?" I ask. Reiji push up his glasses. "Fine. Just don't go searching around." He motion the butler to take me to my room. Ayato wave with a smirk. "See you, my little pancake!" He chuckle. Oh, those fangs! They look ready to bite! All of them smirk, so I quickly follow the butler to my room. The butler open the door allowing me to go in. I saw a blue bed and a big open window letting the breeze in. Some fancy place these sadistic people live in. I drag my suitcase beside my bed. I lay down on my bed. Mom, why did you ever make me come here? I took my book out. Hmmm...what should I name the title?
Yes, I haven't name the title yet. I only gotten to the story part. Here's what I wrote for Chapter 1.

Chapter 1 :First Arrival
"But why!? I don't want to go there!" Jacob yell.
Jacob Lorenzo is a young boy who live in village. His parents are forcing him to go to the castle to be a servant.
Jacob didn't want to do that but he was forced to do it. His dad only growl. "You are! For the money!"
The young boy wanted to cry but he held his head up high and agree to the terrible request.
So Jacob pack up his things and his parents drove him to the scary castle. 'What creepy place!' Jacob thought.
His parents left him there as the big door open. A butler open the door letting the black hair boy in.
Jacob was scared but he has to this! Then he saw a guy. He has a pale face so Jacob went to check if he's alright.
The pale man eyes open and smirk. Jacob shriek for a bit. The man yawn. "Well, guess our new servant is here." He smirk.
Jacob notice his teeth which has fangs! "I never wanted to be a servant idiot!" He growl.

Guh! It's going to be a long chapter! "What are you doing?" I heard a raspy voice behind me and quickly turn around to see Ayato in my room.
"Dude! What the heck are you doing here?!" I yell. That's the question he should be answering! I quickly close my book and glare at him. "What am I doing here? Yours Truly can be anywhere he likes! What are YOU doing?" He smirk. I growl. "None of your damn business! Get out!"
Ayato didn't care of what I said and grab me. He pull me close to him my back against his chest. Huh!?
He tilt my head exposing my neck. "You may be a boy but you do smell good and familiar!" The red head grin and lick my neck. The heck! I thrash around his grasp. "Oi! Settle you pancake! Yours Truly will not like that! You're so stubborn!" He yell and I felt a little pain on my neck. On the corner of my eyes, I saw a small blood trickling down. Whoa!! I shove him with all my might sending him back.
"What did you do! You're sick!" I yell. Ayato smirk. "You're more stronger then Yui. That'll be more fun." He left the room. Guh! Such an idiot!
These people can't mind their own business!?
My hand has blood on it. A vampire! He must be a vampire! I need to go to the bathroom. Somehwere. I went out of my room to find the bathroom but I first need to get a band aid. While walking down the hall, I saw Yui....

(Thanks for reading!!)

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