Part 8

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I woke up feeling a thump. My eyes widen. I shot up and saw the vampires and I were in the limo. "Pancake awake?" Ayato smirk. I cross my arms. Ayato huh? These people are weird in just 2 days already. How is Yui even here? All my thoughts were bumbling inside my head. I look at Yui who was frowning at me. What's her deal? Sure we HATED each other since we're kids because of her father. Worst of all, we had to sleep in the same bed!! Ugh! long story! I remember dressing up as a little girl and wearing long dresses. It was horrible.
I had to anyway. My mom would change her name and my dad would disappear everyday. I also remember meeting a lady with purple hair and striking green eyes.
What was her name? How come I don't remember anything but meeting the vampires when I was a kid?! "Y/n is deep in thought." Kanato whisper in my ear making me jump. "Bro! Get away from me!" I yell. Yui stiffen. "Y/n, that's rude to someone who's giving you a roof. Such like your aunt who took my father, huh?" She said giving me a playful smirk.
"Ok! First of all! My aunt never stole your stupid Father! She sacrificed herself to protect you idiot father! Your father is at the fault here! You are lying with a fake face! I bet you're jealous that my aunt has a better personality then yours!" I reply with venom. Reiji silenced us and glare at me.
I look out the window so frustrated. I'm going to call my mom and demand to go home! I ain't being their groom or blood bags! My Aunt, (Your Aunt Name) died for Yui's stupid father. We got to the mansion. I just want to slap her!! The car stopped and I immediately jump out not giving any care about them! Am I being rude?
Yes, but they're different and not like before! I think I met the wrong vampires from my childhood. If it's not them......then who is it? I'm pretty sure it's them because they would kniw my name Maria. Guh! My story is going to be messed up. I got to the living room and sat down on the couch. I grab my phone and was about to call my mother when it got snatched out of my hand. I jumped.
Subaru took a glance at my phone and snarl. "Calling your mommy? Tch. Lame!" He said and squeeze my phone tightly that it cracked! "G-Give it back!" I reach out to it but ended up slamming myself on the floor.

"Haha, Subaru.....don't be cruel." Laito said grabbing by my collar and holding me up. "Let go!" I yell. Reiji cleared his throat. "That is childish. Put him down and we'll get ready for dinner." He said pushing up his glasses. Laito pouted and drop me. I stood up groaning because of the pain. Ayato shoot a smirk at me. "It ain't over yet."
What a douche!! Yui skip away batting her lashes. "Sorry not sorry!" She said. "I hope they keep me and use you till the last of your blood!"
My jaw dropped. No way! Ok, Yui and I are not fond of each other. I saved her butt and all she gives me is this?! Suddenly I felt a cold hand on top of my head.
I look up to see Shu patting my head. "It will get better. We won't kill you. You belong to us." He said with no emotion. But at least he's nicer then the rest. I smile. "Yeah. Thanks." He nod and put his ear bud in his ear. Just what is this guy listening to? I decided to go to my room and out the balcony. The cool air blew past my hair. 9 minutes till dinner and the Sakamaki boys went to do their own business. I was thinking about my aunt until I thought.
Oh I forgot! My book! I walked inside my bedroom to look in my bag..but my book was not in there. Weird? What happened. I grab my bag and dump everything out. My homework and papers were on the ground. Huh?! Didn't I have it before?! "Did you lose something?" I whip my head turning face to face with Ayato.
He's the last person I want to see. Nobody were around. It was just dark. And quiet. "Leave me alone!" I yell. Ayato frown and grab my wrist with force. "Trying to act so tough! Yours Truly will teach you a lesson you should never forget!" He pick me up and walk to the nearest pool which is huge.
What is he going to do?!
Inside I was nervous! Then all of a sudden he threw me into the cold water. Just so you know, I can't swim and I never learn. Soon I was panicking and I try thrashing around the water but nothing help. "I want you to beg for Yours Truly!" He strictly said. The water fill my lungs and I felt weak. "A-Ayato!" I try yelling but the water came over me and my mind went blurry........

(Thanks for reading!!)

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