Part 7

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She grab my wrist and pull me. Then let go and I was soon slam against the wall. "I wanted to kill you." Yui said. "You think you can hide. I'll take what's precious. Besides your mother is stupid. Very dense woman."
I growl at her. "You were weak and useless when you were young. Stop acting like a pretty innocent girl that's waiting to be sucked by men!" I stood up. My back hurt because of the harsh push she gave me. "Is it jealousy I'm hearing from you? You think that I'm going to take away your vampire boyfriends! I don't need them! They think I'm just food like you!" I slap her face.
But she didn't fight back. Instead she started crying. I turn around to see Reiji with a disappointed look. I clench my fist. This bitch! She notice he's coming and thinks it's ok to blame me.
"Y/n, that is no way to treat a lady. Especially our bride." Reiji sternly said helping Yui up. My jaw drop. They really think she's a lady and innocent. I cross my arms. "Ugh, you really believe in her. I'm not going to submit to you vampires! I'm strong!" I walk away from them. I don't care if they hurt me! I'm not going to be their prey that's weak!
I can't wait to go home. Suddenly a hand grab my and pull me close to the person's body. "Well, if it isn't stubborn little pancake?" Ayato mock. "I heard what you did to poor Yui. She's our one and only! You're just a human with delicious blood! Yours Truly will be the first to take you."
He pull my collar of my uniform down so my neck was exposed. I thrash in his arms. "Let go!! Someone! Help!" I yell and stomp his foot.
He wince in pain as I ran off. Stupid idiot!

(Nobodys pov)
Ayato growl showing his fangs. "Oh? Brother? Something troubling you?" Laito ask leaning against the wall. Ayato send a glare making his brother chuckle. "Shut yp! Yours Truly is not being troubled. Besides he's a boy and it's gross!"
Kanato tilt his head. "Oh? Well you seem to enjoy him. And he's a pretty handsome young boy. Stubborn but pretty. Isn't it right, teddy?" He look at his (creepy) teddy bear and held it tight. Ayato took a deep breath. "Then! Yours Truly will teach that stubborn, arrogant boy a lesson!" He smirk. Laito look amuse but he knew something good is not going to happen to Y/n.

(Your pov)
Disgusting! Stupid! He actually almost rip my uniform showing my bare shoulder. How embarrassing! I'm sitting outside on the bench trying to fix my tie and clothes. Who does he think he is?! I feel sexually harrassed! Aren't they straight? Don't they hate me? They should at least abandon me! They don't even realize I'm the boy who dressed up as a girl! (It'll be weird since they fell in love with me when I was a kid)
I took my book out and open to the page where I'm writing.
Jacob should be brave! He doesn't need a love interest! It's not Twilight or something like that! He should try to kill the vampires too! And the girl. I quickly wrote some stuff down down. Though while writing I felt a little drowsy. My eyelids won't open and I ended up falling asleep on the bench. I didn't realize that my book slip out of my hand as I cozy against the bench.

(Nobody's pov)
"So he's really sleeping on the filthy bench?" Shu ask. Reiji groan. "Stupid human. Subaru, will you carry him to the limo?"
Subaru made an annoying 'tsk' sound. "Fine. But don't think I enjoy his scent on me!" He said as he carry Y/n like a bridal style. Shu decided to grab his bag and they left. But the book was left behind on the ground still unoticed.
Subaru put Y/n in the car. But he has to admit that he smells good and.....familair? Yui frown at Y/n sleeping form. "Aw, he looks so defenseless!" Laito cooed. "By the way, what happened to his clothes?" Reiji ask then glare at Ayato. The red head smirk. "I don't know. Maybe someone else did it."
Ayato look at Yui. "Right?"

(Guys, some of my books were copied and I'm very upset of that. Please don't copy my book without my permission! The person who did it is Doc Truyen. Brothers Conflict, UtaPri, Free, and my others belong to me!)

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