Part 9

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(Nobodys pov)
"Tch. Why isn't he swimming? Thought he got guts to fight back!" Ayato grumble. So he waited for 20 seconds and his eyes widen. He remember his mother doing that to him. He remember his mom threw him into the water letting him drown until he learn how to swim. But then a young girl save him!! Maria had! And Y/n looked just like Maria a little.
"Ugh! What a weak pancake he is!" Ayato dived into the water. He spotted Y/n eyes closed and drifting on the bottom of the pool. Ayato swam harder and grab the boy's arm pulling him close to the red head. Then he pressed his lips against the boy to do CPR.  Y/n eyes open a little and realize Ayato's lips were on his! Ayato grab him by the hip and swam up the surface of the water.

(Your pov)
I gasp as soon the air hits me. How long did I been under there?! My heart was still beating. "A-Ayato?" I said. He look away and carry me to the couch. My clothes was dripping wet. I pull some of my hair aside letting the water drip on the couch. "The heck?! Why did you threw me in the water, you cold vampire!!" I cried. In honesty,  I was scared if I'll die.
Ayato pull back his hair and frown. "Shut up! I'm not answering your question! Just be thankful I felt guilt!"
I smirk. "Oh? So the cold vampire who sucks girls is feeling guilt? I didn't know you feel that way when you threw me into the water!!"
Ayato face flush and pointed his finger at me. "You're lame! Yours Truly is not a softy and doesn't only love sucking girls! You're a little bratty pancake who assumes people! Didn't you know that assume is not a good word because it has ASSume in it."

"Hey! Don't teach me stuff! And stop being weird too. Where's your little Yui?! Thought you're her boyfriend! Did you know she threatened me that day?" I smile and tilt my head. Ayato groan. "Ugh! Shut up human, everyone think that girl is my girlfriend. I don't care about her. She's just a blood bag!"
I roll my eyes. "So am I a blood bag or would you feel guilt after drinking my blood?" I ask. Ayato has a tint blush on his face but was quickly turn into a smirk. "I wouldn't feel guilt if it's a pretty boy." He chuckle. So he would drink guys too?? Suddenly a towel was thrown in my face.
I look up. Ayato was taking his uniform top off. "Whatever. Go get dried up!" He grumble.
I realize how did madness turn to softness? I was mad at him and now he just turn all....kindly blunt? "Well, how's your swim?" I heard a voice and turn to look at Laito. Oh, the perverted brother.
"What? I'm just asking! Ayato, is it just me or have you turn nicer after drowning the boy? If Reiji found out about this, he'll punish you!" Laito chuckle patting my head making me frown. "Don't touch him!" Ayato growl. What? My eyes widen at him. Even Laito raised his eye brow. Ayato clench his fist. "Y/n, go to your room."

I nod and walk to my room. I was halfway through the hall until I notice a room with lab equipment or something. I open the door making it creak. It must be one of the Sakamaki brothers but which one? I walk around the room noticing lots of books on the shelf. I reach for one book.
"What are you doing here?" I heard a low yet calm voice making me jump for a bit and some books fell down on the ground.
It was Reiji.
"Oh! Uh! I was just curious!" I said picking the books up. "Why are you wet? In my room?" Reiji ask pushing up his glasses. I wonder what will happen if I tell him? Would he show emotions? Probably not....

(I got bored. Thanks for reading!!)

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