Chapter 4: Valerie's Story

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My heart was pounding more than a mile a minute. (If there was such thing.) It was pounding so much, that you could here it trying to escape me chest. Goosebumps we're starting to form beneath my skin as my breathing started to increase. Fear started to rise up through my stomach and into my head.

I slowly backed away. But they followed. I needed to escape. It was pure dark outside. I could trip and fall, and they would catch me.

All five men looked deceiving. They looked like they tempted to touch me. Seriously? Com'om I'm like the ugliest person out there. They could've just gone for Melanie instead. I pouted. Thinking that it would be too late fore them to go for her.

Then without further notice, all five men circled around me. I couldn't see there faces because they we're hidden behind the masks. The only thing I could think of was an idiotic move. I was dumb, knowing that it couldn't get anymore worse than this.

"HELP ME! SOMEBODY HELP ME!" I yelled to the top of my lungs. 

It didn't work. Instead all five men ran to me. They all grabbed me body at once, holding me aggressively. I squirmed and tried to let go of their grip, but they we're simply too strong for me to escape their wrath. They dragged me over to the sidewalk, where there we're a bunch of trees and plants to hide behind.

The men dropped me into the grass, hurting my back during the process. One guy took out his gloves and grabbed some masking tape from his pocket. He used his teeth to rip the tape out, and he stuck in to my lips. Muting my voice. The other men started to beat the senseless shit out of me with a tree branch. And the other kicking my hips and thighs. My body was in so much pain, and was too weak to fend for myself. I tried to scream and yell, but my voice couldn't get past the tape. I started to cry, fresh salty tears running down my cheeks; that I'm sure they noticed. But they probably didn't care.

"Enough," another man said hoarsely.

I thought they we're finished with me. I hoped they were. But I thought too soon. The other men left, while the one guy jumped on top of me. I tried to squirm trying to make myself release, but he started kissing my neck rather aggressively. I couldn't get out of his wrath. The whole weight of his body was pressed against me pinning myself to the floor. Lord, please don't let this happen. Tears ran down my face as I uselessly whined and whimpered. No one could hear me.

One of his hands ran down my pants, unzipping my jeans and pulling them down quickly. At this point, I decided to give up. I could no longer fight him. This was probably my karma because of what I did to Melanie and Freddy.

He started to bite my neck. Hard. The pain rushed through my body, because of his sharp teeth. At this point, my jeans we're now up to my ankles. He started to grip my thighs tightly, that it made me have excruciating pain. My head pounded. I could barely keep going. Just kill me now.

But then he slapped me. Hard. The pain stringed through my skin possibly marking it as a bruise. He then repeated himself. This time putting his palm to my breast and enjoying the feel rather aggressively. He clasps my wrists together, holding tightly, trapping me in place.

Suddenly out of nowhere, his whole weight shifted off me. 

I thought the next man was going to try me, but I was wrong. The next thing you know I saw someone. Someone beating the shit out the men. He punched and kicked them as hard as he could before running back to me. 

"Valerie! Stay awake! I'm here now!" he yelled to my face. The thoughts of him entered my brain. But I couldn't get a clear view of who it was. Instead, my vision started to blur and for all I know, I could see nothing but pure darkness.

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