Chapter Thirteen: Winter Heart

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On Ellies way home that night, she called Shelby. By then, she had become numb from crying, and told Shelby what happened. "Oh my God, El, i'm so sorry," she paused for a moment, "but he didn't say it was over for good though? I mean i'm sure you guys will work it out," Ellie forced out a thank you as she pulled into her drive way, and told Shelby she would talk to her tomorrow. Ellie made her way inside her house, and found her mom standing in the kitchen, sipping on a glass of whine. "Honey, your makeup," she started, "what's wrong?" Ellie since before then had tried her best to hide everything from her mom, to save her from putting more on her along with her parents divorce. "Calum broke up with me," Ellie said, while slumping down in a kitchen chair, "he said we moved to fast," she said in a even lower voice. "Sweetie," her mom started hugging her,"i'm so sorry, after everything, and I know how much you really liked him."

This was exactly what Ellie tried to save herself from by not telling her mom, but what was exactly what she needed at the moment. A tear made it's way down Ellies cheek, her mom wiped it and hugged her tighter. "Evan came by, and Calum saw, and I also saw Calum on a date with his ex girlfriend, and after the whole fight with him and Evan.." Ellies voice trailed off. "Fight?," her mom gasped. "Ellie, is this what you've been dealing with? Why didn't you tell me? You don't need this kind of stress, along with,... family problems. I can get you a good psychiatrist, you know that," her mom said, worriedly. Ellie stood up, and yelled, "I don't need mental help mom! I can handle it by myself, just like I always have," and walked up to the stairs, to her bedroom. Ellie didn't mean to yell at her, but everything had just boiled at once, and she couldn't take it anymore.

She laid back on her bed, staring at the ceiling. Her phone buzzed in her pocket, a few missed calls from Calum, and a text from Shelby.

"You're still considering going camping with us tomorrow night, right?"

Ellie threw her phone. She had the sudden complete feeling that she was done, with everyone, and everything. The baby that was possibly Evans with Alexa, Calum, her friends. She needed to get away, and escape.

She instantly sat up, and went and picked up her phone off the edge of her bed. She text James, because thinking of the word escape, is the only person she could think of.

"Are you busy?"

a few minutes later, she got a reply.

"No. What's up."

"Do you want to hang out, or something"

Immediately, she got, ":) of course E. On my way."

Ellie sat her phone back down on her bed, and went to her closet, and picked out a white dress, and a deep brown leather blazer, along with wedges. She put on a touch of lipstick, and fixed her hair. She didn't know what was going to happen, but she didn't care at this point. She wanted to escape, and that's what was going to happen.

Soon she got a text from James, saying he was almost there. She walked down stairs, and her mom had passed out on the couch, again, next to a empty bottle of wine. Ellie wrote a note on the fridge, telling her mom she was going to spend the night at Shelby's, and she would be back in the morning. She walked outside, and sat on the curb. She soon heard James's bike coming close, and he parked right next to her. "E has a nice little house in the suburbs, who would've guessed," he said, while smiling and taking his helmet off. Ellie stood up, and smirked, then grabbed the spare helmet. "Do you know where we'ere going?" Ellie asked, while grabbing onto the back of him, "i've got a pretty good idea," he smiled, " a party, at a friend of mines." Ellie quickly asked, "you sure that's a good idea? I mean," "don't worry, your little boyfriend isn't gonna show up," James shot back, while starting his bike back up. "He's not my boyfriend, he dumped me," Ellie said lowly. James stopped starting the bike, "what? are you serious?, E, i'm sorry, if it was because of the other night,.." "No," Ellie said, while swallowing the knot in her throat, "no it wasn't because of that. Look, I really don't wanna talk about it, and that's why I called you." James smiled, "fair enough, hold on, we'll be there in a bit."

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