Chapter Fourteen: Goodbyes and Alibis

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Ellie awoke to finding it hard to breathe, and her legs numb. She couldn't speak, but everything was coming in the fuzzy. She could faintly hear her parents speaking to her, and doctors and nurses buzzing around her bed. She couldn't help but to keep closing her eyes. She felt like it was a dream again, except not a good one, like she was having. Everything was dark, and cold, she wasn't running or floating anymore, just sitting in a empty dark room, alone.

The next time she opened her eyes, she was able to keep them open for longer. It hurt to swallow and breathe, and the doctors told her she had broke a collar bone, two ribs, and her right leg broke. Her mom wouldn't stop crying as the doctor listed them off to Ellie, and her dad led her mom outside. Ellie was glad. She knew she'd have to hear a lecture soon from her dad, but she was just glad her parents were together right now and not arguing. She sat up a bit, and looked around. There were flowers, cards, and balloons everywhere, the only thing that caught her eye were the white lilies sitting on a table at the end of the room. She asked the nurse to bring them closer, and put them on the table near her. Her parents came back in, and her mom came and sat on her bed. "We're so glad you're okay Ellie," her mom whispered, while petting her hair.

Her dad had more of a stern look on his face, and started asking Ellie how lucky she was that James or his parents weren't going to make her pay for anything, and told her after she recovered she was grounded for a long, long time. Her mom shooed him off, telling him to save the lectures for when Ellie got home. A nurse came in and told Ellie she could have some broth if she wanted to try and keep some food down. Her parents told her they were going to grab some lunch real quick, but would be back shortly.

Before the nurse left to go get her broth, she asked Ellie if she was up to having visitors today, and Ellie at first bit her lip thinking about it, because she was embarrassed to face James, but then she decided she would because she knew people would be worried. The nurse went out into the hall way, and in came Shelby, Nai, Lauren, and James. Ellie forced a smile, and reassured her friends she was okay. "Don't hate me too much," she said and smiled weakly at James. He cracked a smile, "no way E, I could never hate you. Even though my parents probably do, just no more Evil Knievel tricks, alright?" Ellie giggled. Shelby came forward, and told her that Calum and Evan had been here every day, in the waiting room, asking doctors and nurses if she was okay. Ellie sat up, "wait, what," she mumbled, "don't worry, I don't think they're going to try and kill each other, at least not in a hospital. They were both just really worried about you," Shelby patted her head, "we all were El." Ellie looked down, "well are they still out there?" "Yes," grinned Shelby, "I'll go wake them up." "Oh, and by the way these are from me and Michael," Nai showed a beautiful vase of yellow roses to Ellie, "beautiful," Ellie smiled, "thank you guys, all of you." She was telling Nai where she could place them, when she looked over and saw Calum and Evan standing in the door way.

Shelby, Nai, Lauren, and James all backed away, "I think we'll give you guys some time," James said quietly. Calum came forward, looking like he himself had been hit by a car, bags under his eyes, his soft and curly hair that was always placed and brushed perfectly was messed up with tiny little flicks sticking out everywhere. "Hey," he smiled faintly at Ellie. "Hey," she said back. Evan looked down, "i'll let you two talk, just let me know when you're done," he said to Calum. "Yeah, sure man," he said lowly. Evan walked out of the room, and Ellie let out, "wow, friends with Evan, that's something I never saw coming" she paused. Trying to make light of the situation wasn't going so well she thought. Calum had a serious look on his face, "terrible situations bring people together," he said quietly. He sat down in a chair next to her hospital bed, grabbing tightly onto his jacket. Ellie couldn't even force herself to smile. "I'm sorry, Calum. I was drinking, I didn't know what I was doing, and it was so stupid, I know that," she blurted out. "Do you know," he paused, "how fucking scared I was, about losing you," he swallowed, his voice shaking, "standing there, watching you get hit by a car and not being able to do a thing about it, El, that was the scariest thing i've ever witnessed in my life." Ellie started crying, not being able to hold back the tears, "Calum i'm so sorry," she let out, "it was so selfish of me, and I am so sorry," she trembled. Calum stood up, and Ellie wiped away her tears, thinking he'd walk out, but he came and stood beside her. He leaned down, kissing her forehead, then grabbing her hands, kissing them lightly, "Ellie, in those minutes and hours I thought I was going to lose you, all I can think of how stupid I was, for letting you go, and how bad I wished I could take it back." Ellie could see the tears forming in his eyes, and felt so much guilt, as if it was a anchor sitting on her shoulders.

 "It shouldn't of have winded up like this," he whispered, while kissing her hand again, right above where her IV was placed. "Calum," she let out, "you don't have to do this because you feel bad, or guilty, i'm never going to do that again I p-" Calum cut her off by kissing her, and Ellie grew weak again. There they were, after everything, Calum sitting on her hospital bed, kissing her. Ellie honestly didn't want anything else.

Just then, they heard the nurse doing a low cough, while standing in the door way, with Shelby and Nai standing behind her, smiling. "Sorry to interrupt, Romeo and Juliet, but miss Ellie has to try and eat something now," she smirked. "Its okay," Ellie smiled, "why don't you go home and take a shower," she said to Calum, "but I-" he said back, "i'll be okay," Ellie said quickly. Calum looked at her, and pushed her hair back behind her ear, "i'll be right back, I promise." Calum walked out of the room, just as the nurse sat down and gave Ellie her broth, it was thin and tasteless, but it was warm. Evan did a quiet knock at the door, and the nurse turned around, telling him no visitors at this time. Ellie told her it was okay, she was quite full for now. The nurse gave her a look, then told her she'd be back in fifteen minutes to ask if she was hungry again. Evan came and sat down on her bed, looking at her like a wounded animal. "I'll be okay," she said quietly, "you don't have to look at me like that." Evan laughed, "you never were one to play the sympathy card," he said while looking at the flowers and cards spread around her room, "did you like the lilies I sent," he said, while eyeing them on the table near her bed. "You sent the lilies?" Ellie asked, puzzled. "Yeah, El. You know I still remember things, your favorite things," he said lowly. Ellie was shocked, "wow, Evan, thank you, and I mean, you and Calum, friends, wow." Evan let out another laugh, "i'm just full of surprises," he smirked.

Ellies stomach dropped, "Evan, if you're trying to be friends with him to try and get back with me or something, you can forget it, it's not going to happen," "Whoa, whoa, El," Evan backed up, "that's not what I meant," she looked down. Ever since the whole thing with Calum she had a hard time trusting him, and besides, what would he get out of being friends with Calum anyway? "Look, El, we all do dumb things when we're drinking alright, me and Cal, we're on good terms now, I thought you'd be happy about that," Evan said, with a high disturbance in his voice. "I am," Ellie said sharply, "it's just, I don't want any more interference with us, you know," she started to bite her nails nervously. "El, come on, you can trust me, I care about you, okay, what's in the past is in the past." Ellie hesitated, then responded, "i'm sorry," she said lowly. Evan came and sat closely to her on her hospital bed, "don't worry about it kid," he said with a cheeky smile. He placed his hand on hers, and grabbed it tightly. "We were all scared of losing you, El," he gulped. Ellie looked down, and whispered, "I know." "Just never do that again, promise me," he said lowly. Ellie looked up, looking at him, and for the first time, saw the Evan she fell in love with. Caring and compassionate, Ellie smiled, "I promise Evan," while holding out her pinkie. He smiled and moved closer towards her, and grabbed her pinkie with his, then suddenly quickly kissing her. "Evan," Ellie gasped, but he didn't budge, and Ellie found herself quickly closing her eyes, and kissing him back. He finally let go, and whispered in her ear, "i'll always love you El," and stood up, kissing her forehead gently. Ellie didn't know what to do, she was upset with herself for kissing him back, and more upset that she didn't want to stop. Just then she heard a voice outside of her hospital door, Ellie looked over, and saw Michael looking through the tiny square at her, then walk away.

Playlist for this Chapter:

Andrew Belle - In my veins

Daughter - Still

Barcelona - Slipping Away

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