Chapter Eleven: Falling Down

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Ellie laid her head on Calums chest and they both drifted off to sleep. She didn't know exactly what she was feeling, or doing, really, but she knew she did love Calum. She closed her eyes and started to dream.

Ellie was sitting in a field, filled with lilies. It was the field in the park, where she had been before, except the field was in closed by white walls. The sun was going down, and Calum was saying something to her, something she couldn't hear. Ellie then heard her moms voice in a distance, telling her to wake up. Ellie kept looking around, but then it turned dark, and Calum started fading. Ellie kept reaching out for him, but he just kept disappearing in little pieces.

Ellie woke up, sweating. She sat up, and looked over, Calum was sleeping right next to her. She laid her head back down on his chest, and Calum woke up. "Are you okay?" he said in a groggy voice. "Yeah, just bad dreams, I have them every once in a while," Ellie said calmly. Calum kissed her forehead, and wrapped his arm around her. Everything that was going on in Ellies life that was  bad and fucked up didn't matter right now. Ellie closed her eyes again slowly drifted off to sleep, till her alarm rang, telling her to get up for school. She got out of bed, heading to her bathroom brushing her teeth, and fixing her hair. Ellie looked into the mirror and laughed, her hair was horrible, from last night. She just wrapped it into a messy bun and put on some skinny jeans with a pale blue t shirt. Ellie walked over to her bed and leaned down and kissed Calum on his cheek, "Wake up punk," she said loudly. Calum's eyes opened and he looked up at Ellie, and smiled. He leaned up, rubbing his eyes. "Would you know where my clothes are? Or landed," he laughed. She handed him his clothes she collected on her way to the bathroom. Calum got out of bed and Ellie covered her eyes. "Oh, Sorry," he said while smirking, and sliding on his boxers and pants. He walked to her bathroom and gurgled mouthwash, while inspecting his hair. "Don't know how i'm gonna explain this hair do," he said. "Same," said Ellie while pointing to her hair. Calum laughed. "Maybe I can just put the top down on the car, and we can just go with that scenario," Calum said while walking to her, grabbing her waist and kissing her neck. "We don't have the time," Ellie giggled, "maybe later," she whispered.

Calum was going to take her to school, and she was happy. It was officially official, her and Calum, and nothing could ruin her day. Calum pulled into the parking lot, and parked. Ellie leaned over to kiss him, before she opened her door to go to class. "Have a good day Ellie," Calum called, before backing up. Just then, she saw James ride in on his bike. She caught him looking at Calum, and Calum looking back, then just look off and drive away. James got off his bike, and laid his helmet down. He grabbed his bag and started to walking up to Ellie, who by then had turned around and headed for the doors. "You don't listen well, do you?" James said while catching up to her. “I really don’t care what you have to say, I’m happy,” said Ellie, forcing a smile, “you can take your negative comments and shove them up your ass,” Ellie said while walking faster. She wanted to find Shelby, Nai, and Lauren before the bell rang. James just stopped. Ellie saw her friends, and immediately told them all the details. Lauren covered her mouth, Nai was in shock, and Shelby just congratulated her. “So, it’s official now,” smirked Shelby. “Yes, yes it is,” smiled Ellie. “Lets all do something this weekend!” pleaded Lauren, they haven’t all hung out since the bowling ally. Ellie agreed and promised she would talk to Calum, then the bell rang. 

School passed quickly that day, and Ellie came home and called Calum, but she didn’t get a answer. Her mom was back, and she figured they could go see a movie or something. They went to the theatre, and as she was getting a popcorn, she saw James. “What are you doing here?” Ellie asked him. “Am I not allowed to go to the same places as you now?” he said, in a annoyed tone. “Whoa, I was just asking,” Ellie replied.  Right then, Ellie's mom ran up to Ellie, "Ellie, your aunt just called me, it's urgent, I have to go, I'm so sorry honey," she kissed her cheek and left. Ellie was left standing there, with James. A few seconds of awkward silence passed, till James chimed in, "you know, Ellie, we don't have to be enemies. I don't have anything against you in particular, just your boyfriend," he said, throwing up air quotations. Ellie nibbled on a piece of popcorn, "I don't know why you don't like him, I mean that a while ago, he's different now." James looked down, "I apologize, can we be friends, please?" Ellie thought about it, then replied with a ,"sure." "Do you like zombie movies?" asked Ellie, James smiled a cheeky smile, "love them."

They went into the movie, and through all of the blood and gore, James covered his eyes probably about twelve times, Ellie counted. She giggled, James wasn't so bad after all, he even went and got Ellie a refill during the middle of the movie, even though she was pretty sure only to escape the massacre of blood on the screen.  The movie ended, and they walked out of the movie theatre, while Ellie kept picking at James for covering her eyes. "Wow, that movie was two hours long," Ellie said, "and my phone died," she frowned. "It's okay, um, do you want to grab something to eat real quick?" James asked, while shoving his hands into his pockets. "Uh," Ellie hesitated at first, but since she had nothing better to do, she figured why not. Plus she had a charger in her purse, she could plug up and charge her phone in a restaurant. Ellie walked out to the parking lot, and James revved up his bike, while handing her a helmet. "Please don't kill me," Ellie said nervously. James laughed, while saying "just hold on tight," and starting off. They chose the local ihop, and Ellie ordered strawberry pancakes, while James just got a burger. Ellie charged her phone, and had only a few messages from Shelby and Lauren, but no returned call from Calum. Ellie figured she'd call him when she got home, to make sure he was okay, she didn't want to seem too clingy.

 James kept telling her jokes, making Ellie almost spit out her chocolate milk. While she was finishing off the last bite, James suddenly asked her, "so what do you see in him anyway?" while sipping his drink. "Who, Calum?" Ellie responded, totally avoiding the question. "Who? No, the president, of course I mean Calum," James said sarcastically. "He's a nice guy, he's sweet, and he's probably the first guy who hasn't treated me like a piece of meat, I know you don't like him but whatever you say about him, he's changed," Ellie said quickly. James smiled, "Never said he wasn't a nice guy," he said quickly, "and sounds to me like you've been hanging around the wrong guys," while he bit off the top of a french fry. Ellie blushed, and immediately kept  eating the rest of her pancake. "You know Ellie," James started off, then stopped. He froze, and had a deep glare to something behind her, Ellie laughed, "what is it? You look like you just saw a ghost." She turned around, and there was Calum, walking in, with a blonde haired girl. She had blue eyes, and looked like she walked off of a Seventeen magazine cover. Ellie dropped her fork, then turned back around. She stood up, and walked towards Calum, with a confused look on her face. Calum saw her, and froze. "Ellie," he said lowly. "Hey, Calum," Ellie said, while folding her arms. James came and stood beside her, folding his. "James?" Calum said, while also having a confused look on his face, "wait, what are you doing here with him?," Calum said, while standing back. "Hey, pal. Long time no see," James said with a forced smile, "Hi, Kiersten, long time no see either," he added, while turning towards the blonde, with a sharp tone. "Wait, how do you know each other?"Ellie asked, while looking at James, then the blonde, "i'm confused." "So am I," the blonde replied. James put on his jacket, and walked out the door. Ellie walked after him, calling his name. "James! Wait!," she finally caught up with him, after slipping off her shoes,and running. "You remember me telling you Calum stole my girlfriend?" he said, while still walking fast towards his bike, "yeah, well that's her."

Ellie stood still. Right then it hit her, James had been right all along. He was pissed and had every reason to be, and Calum had ignored her today and Ellie guessed because he had been with Kiersten. Ellie heard Calum coming up behind her, telling her to stop, while James started his bike up. "Ellie, stop. I can explain okay?" Calum said, while trying to catch his breath. "Explain what? That you're out with a girl who you used to date, that you stole from someone?," she slipped her shoes back on, "is it true Calum?" she said, while glaring at him. His face had no emotion at all, and all she heard was a low, "yeah, yeah  it's true." Ellie felt so much rage, "don't worry about returning those calls, okay?" she turned back around, and walked towards James, and climbed onto the back of his bike. James turned around, "are you sure?" she shook her head, while putting on her helmet, "just take me home, please," Ellie said lowly. They drove off, while Calum was standing in the parking lot, and she caught the girl standing at the restaurant's door, both of them watching her. Ellie looked the other way, and laid her head on James's back. Ellie was instantly glad she was wearing a helmet, because crying while going sixty on a bike isn't good for your makeup.

Playlist for this chapter:

All American Rejects - Mona Lisa

Echosmith - Cool Kids

Paramore - When it Rains

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