Chapter Two: Steretoypical Pool Party

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Getting out of the car, Ellie looked around. Typical high school party, music blaring, a keg, multiple liquor bottles, couples making out, couples fighting, beer pong contests, stoners. "why am I here again," thought Ellie. "Hey, quit mean mugging and get your ass in here," yelled Shelby. People laughed. Ellie just kind of smiled a half smile and walked inside the house. Instantly there was Shelby, standing next to a tall handsome, green eyed boy. Ellie instantly thought holy shit, he is cute. "Ellie, this is Ashton. Ashton, this is my best friend Ellie, or El." "Hiiiii," laughed Ashton, "you want a beer?" "hi," said Ellie, "and thanks but no thanks," said Ellie. "She's more of a vodka and orange juice girl," smirked Shelby. "Oh yeah? well we've got tons of that," said Ashton while smiling down looking at Shelby, "Hey, Michael, get this girl a vodka and orange juice," yelled Ashton. "They're so cute oh my god," whispered nai, coming close behind her. "Here ya go, vodka and orange juice girl," said a boy with funny colored hair coming up to Ellie, "oh and uh hey, i'm Michael." Ellie laughed, "thank you Michael, beer boy," while pointing towards his beer in his hand. Michael laughed, "smart ass, I like it. Where are you girls from?" "The rivalry high school," laughed Nai. "Oh really? I suppose this will turn into a west side story type deal for you girls being here then," said Michael while chugging a beer. "Yeah, totally, we've got our shanks ready to fight," said Nai, while smiling at Michael, and Michael smiling at her. "That's too bad then, you're just gonna have to hurt me, because I would never hurt a beautiful girl like yourself," said Michael. Nai swooned. Ellie could already tell him and her were hitting it off, "well," said Ellie, "I'm going to check the place out, leave you two alone," she said while looking at Nai.

Getting out of the kitchen, she saw a back door to the pool, a stairs to the second floor, being used for couples obviously, and the living room. Ellie decided to go out the back door to the pool, she needed some air. Walking out the door and quickly jumping over beer bottles that were scattered everywhere, she started sipping her drink. Surveying everyone around her, she knew no one here, only her friends. It was kind of nice, she wouldn't be questioned about Evan. She then walked by the pool, to feel the water. It was warm and calming, with the exception of the loads of people diving in and off of the roof into the water, making huge splashes. The music was so loud it drowned out the sound of everything else though, and almost soothing to el She started to get a bit tipsy, while continuously sipping her drink. El had always been a lightweight, and the Michael boy made this drink strong. By then, a muscular looking boy in Hurley board shorts had sat by her, looking at her. She looked him over, then quickly back to her drink, thinking if she ignored him he'd leave. He didn't. "Hey beautiful, why're you all alone out here? Shouldn't you be, skinny dipping, or playing strip poker or something?" El snorted, and almost gagged, she then again looked over at him, "No, I shouldn't, because I don't show my body for short dick little high school boys to get a boner over. You've got porn for that." The crowd of people surrounding them started laughing, Ellie had no idea everyone was watching, while the brainless jock retorted with,"whatever, you don't have to be a bitch." As soon as Ellie thought of throwing the rest of her drink she had in her face, she heard a voice behind her, "hey man, don't call her a bitch, you told her to get naked, that's not really a pick up line." Ellie looked up, and as soon as she did, she caught glimpse of  the most beautiful chocolate eyes, along with fluffy almost curly brown hair, along with tanned skin. Whoever this was, was cute, but Ellie's mind then immediately shot back to Evan.

"'Whatever bro, shes a bitch, have fun getting in that Chasity belt." and the jock walked off. "I'm sorry, josh can be a real dick sometimes," said the boy with the beautiful brown eyes, "I'm Calum, by the way." Ellie stood up, "Yeah, aren't they all, i'm Ellie." "Do you want another drink or something?" asked Calum, "yeah sure, vodka and orange juice please. "Sure thing," said Calum, "stay right here, i'll be right back with it," as he jogged off to the kitchen to get her drink. Wow he's really cute, thought Ellie again, but this time, her mind didn't shoot back to Evan. Calum shortly returned, along with Ellie's drink. "I put a bit of strawberry and sprite in there, if you don't mind, it's just my favorite and I figured,...uh never mind," stuttered Calum. Ellie held up her cup, eyeing it, "you know, if this has rape drugs in it, my friends will find you," Calum laughed, throwing his hands up, "i'm not a rapist, scouts honor." Ellie laughed, "but isn't that what a rapist would say?" "Alright," smirked Calum, "I'll take a sip just to prove it, no rape drugs." Calum went to reach for the cup as soon as Ellie was handing it over, with his hand gliding across hers. She got goosebumps, and he quickly pulled away with a "um," along with them both laughing, and the moment had then become awkward.

"Here," said Ellie, "drink up," while finally just handing it over. Calum eyed her, while smiling, and finally said, "okay, if you insist, here I go, wish me luck," he said while taking a huge sip. Grinning as big as he could, "see, no rape drugs, trust me now?" "Trust you? no, believe you, yes," smirked Ellie. A two door cinema song started playing, and Ellie closed her eyes and started swaying, "I love this song." "Well, I fell quite honored, this is my play list," Calum said. "Really? Not the typical jock with boring music taste after all," said Ellie. Calum laughed again. Ellie then kind of stumbled, almost dropping her drink, "here, sit down," said calum, while taking off his hoodie and placing it on the ground, making a spot for her to sit. Ellie immediately started to give him a worried look, and he must've known that look pretty well, because he also chimed in with, "it was a cheap hoodie, not even my favorite, I don't care if it gets dirty." Ellie sat down, while he sat next to her, as she kept eyeing him, as he looked up into the night sky. "The stars are really beautiful tonight," said Calum. Ellie was a bit shocked, she always kept a eye on the night sky, even laying on her roof top sometimes, just staring for hours. "Yeah, there's a meteor shower soon," said Ellie. "Really? Can't miss that." said Calum. "I'm sorry, but why're you being so nice to me? I mean, i'm not down to hook up or anything," said Ellie firmly, Calum then again laughed. "You know, not every single boy cares about that. You looked like you just needed a friend, especially from sponge bob over there," said Calum. Ellie started laughing loudly and soon Calum did too.

They soon started having a conversation, and Ellie learned calum was a junior, and played for the soccer team. He had a dog Rufus, and worked at the library, which was a strange job Ellie thought, but then soon also learned his mom worked there as well. He liked many of the same bands Ellie did, and also Hemingway and bukowski. For what seemed like hours of just conversation, Ellie heard a familiar voice shouting her name. It was Shelby, saying "Ellie! It's time to go!" "She's over here, she's safe," yelled calum. "Well, it was nice chatting with you, but I think it's time for you to go." "Yeah, same," said Ellie, she had no clue she had sat there for 2 hours just talking with Calum. This is not what she wanted, and was upset with herself. She got up quickly, but almost fell down. The vodka had hit her, hard. "Here, let me help you," said Calum, and without restraint, she let him lift her arm up around his shoulder, to help her to the door where Shelby was standing. He smelled so nice, his skin was so nice. Ellie was drunk, but she couldn't help it. His smell was almost intoxicating.

Walking in the door, she saw all three of her friends passing goodbye kisses, to Ashton and his friends, along with a tall blonde headed blue eyed boy named Luke who apparently Ashton introduced to Lauren at the request of Shelby. "So I see you've met my boy Calum," said Micheal, with his eyes flickering, "where have you two been?" before Ellie could have a smart ass reply back to Michael, Nai just shhhhhd him with a kiss again, and said "we've gotta go now, thank you boys for having us." Ellie turned around to Calum and said, "this was fun, thank you for being a gentleman." "No problem," replied Calum, "thank you for coming." As soon as they made their way out to the car, the girls just all smiled at Ellie, "what?!" Ellie said, "oh god, please don't even think like that, nothing happened, i'm never even going to see him again, so just stop," but as soon as Ellie said that, her door on the side of the car opened, "hi, um, this is awkward, I know, but, I just gathered up enough courage to come out here and ask, so it's worth a shot, can I have your number?" mumbled alum. Ellie was flushed and blushing, and for the first time, she didn't have anything to say back, "you know, just to get coffee or something, not like a date, well if you want it to be, I mean," "yes, here's her number," said Shelby writing it on his hand, "Oh okay, um is it okay if I have it Ellie?" Ellie was still sitting there, blushing, "um, yeah, its fine." "Cool, cool cool, okay, uh, be safe girls," he said while gently closing the door, and tapping the hood of the car. Nai, Shelby, and Lauren all let out giggles and "he's so cute" and "awh El, he likes you," while El just sat there in the car blushing and smiling. She didn't know why, but for some reason, Calum actually gave her butterflies, something she hadn't felt in awhile. "Shut up you guys it's not like we're dating," smirked El. "Not yet," said Shelby, smirking and pulling out of the driveway

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