A Day With Nick

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Date: 13th of June, 1957 (Fathers day)

Nick's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of pans crashing and people whisper yelling. I knew they were all down stairs, but I have no idea why. I rolled over to my side and found an empty part of my bed, I sighed.

"Gone already.." I mumbled. Alice slept over last night, she usually leaves really early to avoid getting caught. I hate having to keep it a secret, but if the gang found out... I have no idea how they'd react. I'd rather them know when they need to know. I sat up from my bed and stared out the window, the cool morning breeze flew though and the drapes flapped around.

"Hey Nick." Crash stood by my door, I looked over to him and stood up. "You guys were up pretty late, I'm surprised you're awake." He winked at me with a sly grin plastered on his smug face.

"Mornin' Crash." I chose to ignore him, but I wasn't able to hide my smile away. I walked over to him, rufflin' his hair. He smiled back and looked up at me. "Gang here?" I asked him, he nodded.

"Come down stairs." He smiled, I followed him down stairs and into the kitchen. The whole gang was holding pancakes and a poorly painted "Happy fathers day" banner hung from the ceiling.

"Happy Father's Day!" They all said, I burst into laughter.

"All this for me?" I wasn't their real Dad, but I was the Dad or the Big Brother of the gang. It was a running joke, but I guess they took it seriously this time.

"Yeah! You're our gang father, we gotta celebrate." Zee sat down at the table.

"You just wanted an excuse to eat pancakes." We ate pancakes on special occasions, it was said that the day one of us can't celebrate anymore, we'd break the pancake celebrations.

"Nooo..." Buddy already had several pancakes in his mouth, Ace sat down next to Zee and had an arm around her.

"Our gift to you is pancakes." Crash laughed and hugged me from behind the chair, he sat down and we all began to eat away. We ate for at about thirty minutes because Buddy kept making us laugh. Suddenly the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it." I said, getting out of my chair before anybody else could. I looked over to the door to see Alice. She looked up at me and blushed brightly. "Alice?"

"Crash told me about the celebrating thing, and I know I'm not apart of the gang but I got you something for being a good father figure to them." I smiled, she was such a sweet girl. She handed me a box and her rosey cheeks turned back to their normal colour.

"Thanks Alice." I kissed her cheek and she went red again, as she turned to walk away I slapped her ass. She squealed and scowled, looking back at me. I laughed, closing the door behind me. I opened up the box and pulled out an expensive watch. "She knew I needed another one.." as I walked back to the kitchen, Crash stopped me.

"Danny hasn't come yet." He said, putting on a coat.

"You gonna get him?" I asked.

"Yeah.. You know what his parents are like."

"He's a tough boy, I doubt he'll be going down without a fight." I smirked, Danny was the newest member. He was only a little kid, but around the same height as me and tough.

"Cya soon Nick." He ran out the door and it slammed behind him. Crash was going to grow up to be a great person one day, I just knew he was. I hope I can watch as he grows, maybe I see him as a son after all.

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