Popcorn - C. 39

19 2 0

Date: 23/7/1957 (Thursday, 6:30pm)

All of us walked in silence down the dark and cold road. The only sound was the cars in the distance and our breathing that was visible from the cold air. Even though none of us showed our fear, we were all terrified. Tonight we were going to look inside that janitors closet, and we were going to explore that cinema.

"Yuuki." Alice called out Yuuki's name and he turned around, she looked white. Yuuki picked her up and carried her some of the way. Vince looked concerned for her, but he kept walking. He was trying to act tuff with the rest of the Roses to calm her nerves. Usually, my gang would be laughing at her, but knowing how serious this was it made things a lot more nerve wracking.

"We're almost there." Danny said, his voice was so calm and focused on a target. Since Yuuki and Alice, Danny's been working really hard towards gaining his confidence again. It seems like he's been changing for the better, under the guidance of the Roses. As we reached the theatre, I pushed the large double doors open while Yuuki bought more tickets for us. We walked over to the pool table and I hesitated before opening the door.

"Crash, we don't have to do this. I can just tell Jacko-" Alice tried to convince me not to do it, and even though I was nervous I knew it had to be done.

"We'll never hear the end of it if we back out now. Come on." I pulled open the door and walked inside, the tunnel was still there. Jacko pushed us aside and walked in front, making sure we were safe. Danny also moved to the front and gave me a small smile, as if to apologise for shoving me. He was trying to protect me, so it didn't anger me like before.

"The stair lights are on, but the screen isn't." Zee looked around. I couldn't help but roll my eyes, I said that last night but I guess she just didn't remember or she just wasn't listening, as usual. Robert stayed behind with Yuuki to make sure we were all safe. Vince was glued to Alice, watching every thing that moved. He was ready to protect her at a moments notice.

"What're we looking for?" Buddy whispered.

"Clues, clothing, weaponry, people." Jacko replied, we walked to the giant screen and looked around the theatre more. It seemed empty. "Alright, lets split and check the aisles."

"I dibs the back!" Buddy yelled out. We all shushed him.

"I'll help." I said as Buddy ran down the stairs. I slowly walked up them myself, watching as Buddy checked under some of the chairs. He ran across the aisles as the others began looking around. It was dark, and I prayed Buddy wouldn't fall. Suddenly I found a door hiding under the stairs we descended down. "Guys." I called out to them.

"Is that a door?" Buddy tried to push it open, but it was locked. He let go once Jacko starting walking up to it.

"Locked, huh?" He asked. I nodded my head. "Yuuki!" He called out to Yuuki who came walking down the stairs, looking for us. He reached the door and studied the lock built into it.

"Angel, come here." Yuuki called out to Alice. Vince looked over to Yuuki and nodded his head, tapping Alice on the shoulder. She was so focused on finding something that she didn't hear him call. The two of them made their ways over to us. Yuuki stole a bobby pin from her hair and bent it. "I need another one."

"Zee's got some." Buddy looked over to Zee who had pinned to parts of her hair behind her ear. "Zeeeeeeee!"

"What? Stop yelling would ya?!" She smacked him over the head, us per usual.

"Can we use your bobby pin?" Yuuki asked. She nodded, handing the bobby pin over to Yuuki. Robert walked over to us and eventually Danny did the same. The whole gang was here, by the door. Yuuki took a while, but eventually he picked the lock open and Buddy pushed open the door. We were greeted with a giant room with a bunch of knives, guns and weaponry.

"Woah." Buddy marvelled at it all, but a hint of fear crawled it's way into his voice. He sounded intimidated.

"This is where he's getting them from." Zee walked up to the stash of guns and pulled out one from her bag.

"What the hell? I though you got rid of that!" I yelled at her, she slowly put it back in her bag.

"I'm just collecting!" She replied with a pout.

"Don't touch anything!" I warned her, she rolled her eyes and continued to look around.

"Guys, look." Alice called out to us. We all surrounded a table filled with a giant map of the town and a house outlined in red. It was my house.

"There's info on all of you guys." Yuuki was looking at another desk, but it was filled with files. We all looked at it again. I picked up some of it and read it, it looked messy. Like it was all rushed.

"Do we burn it?" Buddy asked Jacko, Jacko shook his head.

"They'll know someone was here."

"So we just let them know everything?" I snapped at Jacko, he scowled.

"Look, Man. It's not my fault you were careless enough to let your "girlfriend" Into the group-"

"You wanna repeat that, Jack?" Alice stood by the map, her face screamed anger. She wasn't happy.


"Didn't think so." Her face loosened up and she looked out the door. "We need to go."

"But the papers?" Zee looked up and Robert, Robert took them and put them in his bag.

"For medical purposes." He smiled in a cheeky way at her. As we began to walk out the theatre room, we heard the janitor door open and two voices.

"Everyone, under a seat!" Jacko quietly yelled out. We all quickly hid under seats in the aisles. I was close to the stairs. I could see the entrance, I just prayed it couldn't see me. The door opened up finally and Jean walked in. She descended down the stairs and stood by the wide screen, waiting for something. Suddenly the door opened again and another female figure walked through, I couldn't see her face and I only saw her legs.

"Very good Jean." Her voice sounded familiar to me, but I couldn't figure out where I'd heard it before. She stood by Jean, it seemed like she was a little taller than her, but she was wearing high heels.

"Thank you."

"So, the information you collected..."

"All in the projector room." She smiled and gestured towards the door, they slowly walked over to it and I felt myself begin to breathe heavily. We all stayed put though, we didn't dare move an inch. "The lock..." She mumbled after realising the door wasn't locked anymore

"Is there a problem?"

"Not at all." Jean opened the door and they walked inside, closing the door behind them.

"Run." Jacko got up and we all ran out the cinema as quickly as we could. We ran out the cinema, bolting it back home. That was enough excitement for tonight.

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