Jacko, Robert - C. 30

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We sat on the couch, just waiting. The clock in the kitchen rang once, it was finally one o'clock. Yuuki sat in between Alice and I, and Zee leaned against the wall with Vince who begrudgingly stayed for a little while. The clock kept ticking. While we waited, I wondered what they looked like. If they had changed or look less tough than they were back then. Yuuki said Jacko had a tough looking scar on his cheek from a blade fight, and Robert had cold, icey blue eyes. They sounded mean, but Alice spoke of them as teddy bears.

"When did Buddy and Danny come home?" Alice asked, looking up to the bathroom where Buddy was taking a shower and Danny waited patiently outside reading a book Yuuki gave him. It was funny to see Danny read a book, his parents don't let him go to school with all the bruises they gave him, but he's really clever. Sometimes we'd have to fight with them to get Danny to leave the house. Danny was a smart kid, a tough kid. I hope he starts actin' tough again soon.

"About an hour ago." Zee looked up at the bathroom and sighed. "While you two were "reconciling" if you could even call it that." Alice and I spent the last couple hours just talking, she told me everything she could and didn't keep a single thing away from me. And I treated her equally, like Zee asked. It was strange. And I started to lash out at her a couple times, but Zee whacked my head and I'd stop. Suddenly a knock from the door made me jump out of my daydreaming state and look over. Yuuki got up and opened the door, A tall and slender man walked through first holding a bag and his glasses, and the other was a tough shorter looking man. He had a cut on his cheek.

"Angel!" The smaller man smiled and ran to Alice, she shot up out of her seat to hug him tightly.

"Jacko! Robert!" She pulled away and hugged the other man, who laughed and hugged her back.

"You're getting skinny, but not much taller." He joked, she pulled away and punched him hard. She laughed with him and they all started talking amongst themselves.

"Hey." I said, my voice was deeper. I was self consciously trying to intimidate them into listening to me, they turned around and Jacko smirked. "I'm Crash, this is Zee. Upstairs is Danny and Buddy. In the hospital is Ace and Nick." I stared back, Alice raised an eyebrow.

"You don't need to be so formal." She chuckled, staring at me. I huffed and looked away, annoyed.

"Robert." The tall man stood in front of me and shook my hand firmly, he looked tough and very handsome for a greaser. He smiled. "That's a strong grip for a little boy."

"Little boy with a big temper." Alice laughed with Robert until I punched her lightly and joined in. Zee concealed a smirk the best she could.

"Don't listen to them." Jacko shook my hand, he looked about the same height as Alice. "I get short jokes all the time."

"You got the short end of the stick." Robert laughed and Alice exploded into laughter. Yuuki smacked their heads together, the boys hugged and spoke amongst themselves. They looked and Vince, who gave them a head nod and continued to keep quiet. For some reason, none of the old group wanted to talk to Vince. Something must've happened between them when Vince left.

"Alright, alright." Alice stopped laughing gradually and sat the boys down. Alice and I stood in front of them, Yuuki and Zee were at the back. She explained the situation.

"I'm just glad he's okay. It was only a matter of time before you all got hurt in that stupid Soc gang." Jacko scowled and looked over to Robert for confirmation. Robert just stared daggers into Vince, clearly filled with resentment.

"Are you in? We have to fight back." Alice said, looking determined. Robert shrugged his shoulders and Jacko laughed.

"I'm not as tough as I used to be." He said, showing off his muscles. He looked tough to me. Like he could break open a watermelon.

"And I'm studying all the time now-"

"We're desperate. I'm desperate. I need you guys." She said pleadingly. I watched as their hard facial expressions slowly melted away. It must be hard to have a soft spot for Alice, especially when she'd ask something like this from you.

"Alright... I'm in." Jacko smirked and looked over to Yuuki, Yuuki gave him a nod.

"One condition." Robert added. "Once this is done, you come home and we keep being The Roses."

"That's..." she looked over to me for confirmation. Why should I matter? All she and I do is fight, and if Nick's gone, we won't have the house. Her best bet is to go. She didn't give him a forward answer, she just told him "We'll see."


Zee's P.O.V

I got to be the first one to see Ace. Not anybody else. Me. I sat by the end of his bed, my head resting my his knees. Jacko, Vince and Robert were now staying over Crash's home, and we're preparin' a big fight.

"Wake up..." I mumbled, turning my head to look at Ace. His sleeping face was so peaceful, I remember all the times I could wake up seeing that. "Wake up." I said louder. No answer. I knew he was breathing, I knew he was okay, just sleeping. I'd sleep off the pain like that too if I was him. The doctor said that he was stabbed in the stomach but it missed all vital organs. It wasn't fatal and he was lucky to of made it out of that situation in a critical condition. But the one question ringing on my mind was "Why?" Why Did Jean lie? Why was James doing this? It made no sense at all, and whenever I think about it too hard, it hurts. Not mentally, it physically hurts my brain.

"Elizabeth?" I heard Ace mumble, I lifted up my head to be caught in his gaze, his gorgeous green eyes wrapped me up.

"Steve!" I hugged him tightly and he laughed, hugging me back. He rubbed my back as I pulled away. "You're feeling alright? Right?" I awkwardly asked him, I didn't know how to comfort him but I'd sure as well try. I'd break all my comfort zones for him.

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