Use your head - C. 22

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Date: 18/7/1957 (Saturday, 5:30pm)

Buddy decided to take me to the drive in movies, to get my mind off of things. We went through the broken gate in the back so we didn't have to pay for it, and we could break a few rules while we were at it. Felt good to relive what life was like a few weeks ago. They were playing one of those bad beach movies that they usually do, I sighed and sat down with him on the seats in the front half of the venue. Cars were parked for miles in the back, most of them looked pretty tuff. Nick had a tuff car, but he sold it for rent.

"This movie looks terrible." I said, Buddy stared at the screen practically drooling. There was a really pretty girl on screen wearing a bikini, I sighed again and rolled my eyes.

"Hey Buddy!" There was a flirty giggle coming from across the seats, I looked over to the giggle and saw a Soc girl and a bunch of her friends. She was waving at him. I knocked Buddy to get his attention and pointed to her. He broke eye contact with the screen and looked over to her, he smiled and waved almost like a child excited to see their friend for a play date.

"Hey Heather, baby!" He smirked. Buddy was terrible at flirting and at talking to girls, he said it's hard to tell if they like you or not, but I always thought it was easy to tell. This Heather girl looks cute.

"Whose that?" I asked, he blushed and shrugged his shoulders, looking and the screen again trying to ignore my question. I nudged him with my arm into his. "Tell me!"

"Just some Soc I helped out the other day."

"You painted her nails for her? How chivalrous." I smirked, he punched me pretty hard and scowled.

"No, idiot. James was harassing her about something and I told him to back off."



"Are you crazy? He could've killed you, you know our situation!" I sat up in my chair and looked at Buddy with concern.

"He couldn't even tell it was me, chill out man."  He stared back at me, increasingly getting more annoyed.

"If he followed you, or saw you, he would've killed you or one of us."

"Crash. All I did was get the little girls attention and walk off with her, pretending to be her boyfriend. He didn't see me."

"How about you think about everyone else next time? This is real. People are being threatened. People are threats. You can't-"

"Think about everyone else? You're one to talk! You never seem to think about my feelings when we meet new people or pretty broads, you just leave me to be by myself, man. How about you think about me, because I've been busting my ass trying to take care of you, and you won't even thank me." He stood up and made his way to her, sitting next to them. Heather watched it all happen. She rested her head on his shoulder and they watched the movie. I stood up and walked out, heading home. As I walked down the streets I felt my head begin to spin, I hadn't noticed it before but thinking about it, it's been spinning for weeks. I stumbled over falling onto my knees, I heard somebody step back and squeak. I didn't know how far away I was from home.

"Crash! We were looking for you, Price can you help him up?" It was Alice's voice, thank god it was Alice and Yuuki.

"Where am I?" I asked her, Yuuki helped me up and I leaned on him as we walked. My head span like crazy, I wasn't able to see straight.

"Out the front of the house, where's Buddy?" We got inside and Yuuki put me on the couch. "Price can you get a wet towel for us?" She said softly, she spoke to him much kinder than she spoke to me. I guess he's more important to her.

"He and I had a fight, he's with "Heather" or whatever her name is." I said, I closed my eyes and placed my hand on my head. It hurt. My head hurt. Suddenly a wet towel was placed on my forehead, it felt cold.

"Heather the Soc? The blonde one?"

"Yeah, her." The room went silent for a moment, Alice spoke up again but I cut her off. "Who else was in James' gang?"

"Don't think about that now, it's clearly making you unwell, Crash." Alice pressed the towel down and I smacked her hand away, I opened my eyes and glared at her. She walked away and Yuuki followed close by they walked up to Nick's room and she shut the door loudly behind her. All I could do was sigh and look up at the ceiling.

"Shit..." I mumbled to myself, I just keep fucking up with everyone. Zee, Buddy and Alice. I closed my eyes for what felt like two seconds and I suddenly heard mumbles, I opened them to see Danny and Ace talking to Alice. "Hey." I said, they all looked over to me and Danny rushed over.

"Where's Buddy?" He said, he looked terrified. I shrugged and sat up.

"At the movies..?" I replied, I looked outside and saw it was early morning. Ace looked terrible, he had bags under his eyes and his hair was a mess.

"Buddy didn't come home last night, Ace said they went to his house too and he's not there." Alice folded her arms, she was nervous but she tried not to look it. Yuuki came down the stairs looking strangely like a Soc, it didn't suit him. He washed the grease out his hair and everything. "We're gonna search the Soc side, I know where Heather lives. Buddy, Ace check this side and anyone's house that Buddy might know." She was giving out orders like I used to, I scowled and took off the towel.

"Let me help."

"No, you're staying here. If I have to get Zee-" She stopped herself and looked over to Ace, who just walked out the house without saying a word, Danny followed pulling out two cancer sticks for them. They began walking to the left, to ask around our side. "Shit." She cursed and covered her mouth. Yuuki patted her shoulder.

"It's alright Angel. Come on." He began to walk out the house, Alice pushed me back down onto the couch and placed the flannel on my head.

"Please stay here. Don't worry, we'll find him." She stood up and walked out the door with Yuuki, walking to the right. Over to the Soc side. I closed my eyes. Maybe when I open them Nick, Buddy and the whole gang will be in front of me, just how they used to be.

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