Guess who

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"Yo Will what up!?"

"Hey son, whats going on?"

"Well, I'm calling because I wanted to know if I can take the day off, I'm uhhh, I'm a little sick"

*cough cough* jeez that was a horrible excuse.

"Okay Mathew" holy crap! I cant believe that worked,

"after you're done washing your vagina, tell me the real reason why you're missing work"

well, at least I thought it worked, "how did you know I was lying?"

"Because you come in to work no matter how sick, hung over, or tired you are"

I smiled while nodding my head, "yeah well, the real reason is...I want to spend time with my wife"

"huh, now that's a new lie"

I frowned, "but I'm serious"

"seriously you're serious?"

"Yeah, I'm as serious as a heart attack. I fucked up last night, real bad, and...I dont know, I just want to make it up to her"

there was silence and I'm beginning to think that he just hung up on me, "hello?"

"Yeah, I'm here, I'm just blown away. Wait until Richie heres this"

I shook my head, "whatever, can I have the day off or what?"

"Uh, yeah, yeah sure anything for Elena" he laughed,

"you just love to bust my chops dont you?"

"Yeah. Just make sure you come in tomorrow, bright and early too"

"alright, thanks man"

with that off of my mind I hung up staring at the ceiling thinking of something to do when the wife gets home. I havent done anything like this since my early years in college, I never felt like I owed Elena anything. Right now, she's in class, she wont be out until like 3pm I think. I should pick her up and take her somewhere, but where? Where would I take her? I can take her skating.

Yeah, it'll be just like old times, like we use to do. She use to love skating and she's always been better than the rest. So, I'll pick her up, take her skating, then maybe for some ice cream or some cheesy shit like that, I know she loves stuff like that. Damn, I'm beginning to feel like I'm in high school again. Well, I should probably get ready!


"All these fairy tales are full of shit!"

"One more fucking love song, I'll be sick!"

I sang the lyrics to Maroon five's new song as I drove down the rode towards Elena's college. I stopped in front seeing her walking with some other girl. I watched her glossy long ebony hair  flow through the wind with her electric blue eyes dancing with excitement as she laughed at something the other girl said.

I breathed taking in how beautiful she looks. I stepped out of the car standing in front of it. She walked towards me stopping, "Mat..?"

I smiled, "the one and only"

she smiled while running and jumping into me, "ohmygosh! Its been a while since you showed up to my college like this" she smiled kissing me like I would melt away, god I love the way her lips feel on mine.

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