Akari's past.

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"Oi little girl shudup ya bluddy c!nt!" her drunken "Father" said she only nodded in response which ticked him off so he started to punch her really hard on the side when ever he would abuse her all she could think about was who were her real parents she wondered if they were nice or mean she wondered if they were loving and cared for her.

 Akari has wondered this her whole life in fact she would always go to sleep dreaming of a real family. Akari was adopted so she never knew her parents but one night she fell a sleep and she had a dream about her family she had a mum with red long hair and a dad with short scruffy blonde hair but most importantly she had a twin brother exactly her age at the time she had this dream she was 2 years old that's when the abuse started to happen actually right now she was around 11 years old of course she is now all to familiar with pain so she doesn't even flinch anymore.The so called "Father" growled "b*tch are you even listening to me!" she simply shook her head in a reply he growled even more and started to hit her head he finally gave up and threw her at the fire place the flames parted for her so she didn't injure her self the flames made a comfy pillow for her to land on,how convenient.

 She never gets injured by natural things such as fire , water, rocks , metal sadly every thing except for punch's which don't injure her any more. Metal breaks on the touch of her skin if used to inflict pain on her she can control plant's and she has interesting eye like Jibril off no game no life except her eyes always change colour which confuses her she even has wings. Akari never knew why but every one in the village hidden in the sky didn't and they always did everything in their power to not let her know she would always get dirty glares from every one. 

Most people hidden in the sky (you guessed it they were actually in the sky)can levitate but never have wings.

" Because if a new born child had wings they would be known as the goddess of war. Of course they didn't want you to know because they always wanted peace. That is why they are in the sky ,with no ninja,  to break away from all the wars but now the goddess of war was born,you, and they treat you like someone with 5 heads." The voice in my head said. I nodded calmly.

this is what she looks like ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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this is what she looks like ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

the lack of clothes her "Father" gives her is just enough for her to get by, the picture above and simply pj's where all he ever bought her, she has fabric on her at all times so she can make a new outfit for herself if needed . 

Akari quietly made her way to her room she started to pack . she was leaving. 

She's had enough for a 11 year old she was being really strong but in reality she was sick of this stupid abuse and the most annoying thing was she had a seal of the nine tails and a angel in the middle of her back is the nine tails seal and the angel was sealed in between her boobs so on her chest basically. 

Akari made sure she had a huge bag on her back and she went to grab her "Fathers" wallet she successfully swiped it off of the counter with out being noticed but sneaking past his room will be hardest she grabbed ninja scrolls from the book shelves in their 2 person house. Akari knew all the jutsu's she'd needed to be an ANBU but she was never aloud to go to an academy because their wasn't any need for a ninja because they lived in the sky for Pete(Peter griffin.)sake, so she just poofed a first aid kit in her bag clothes some of her "Fathers" tops and one of his jackets that is orange with a Uzumaki clan sign thing on it which confused me because he isn't an Uzumaki.

  He did say once that 'I was wrapped up in it as a blanket when he adopted me' so i claimed it. Akari grabbed her toiletry needs like shampoo, conditioner, body wash, female essentials etc . and poofed to the back of the floating sky island thing until a drunk voice called out to her "hey look it's the ugly bitch" The mysterious,drunk, voice said he walked over to the scared girl and pushed her off the side of the island she was unsuspecting of this so she didn't know what was happening until she was already falling to her death she sprout her wings and stopped her from falling to her death? Akari sweat dropped when she saw she had made a huge crater.

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