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"Fuck off naruto!!"
It's five in the morning who wakes up at that time...... wanting to get up.
"I know right naruto is a special one he is"
I nodded for once the voice  in my head is right.
"Hey that's mean!"
Shut up I'm insane I don't neee more voices in my head.
"Hey mind if I join the party!" A new voice says in my head I groaned more voices!
I mind very much.
"Yeah get out I'm hitching this one find another girl!" My regular voice said to the other one defensively.
I don't even know your namesssssssss
That's rude.
"I'm jade"
well at least jades not rude
"And you'll be seeing me soon don't worry I think kakashi is a sexy beast"
I gagged.
"I've seen his face you can seriously black mail him to do anything you want if you get a picture and threaten to show every one of female gender in the village!"
That sounds so fun!
When do you arrive!
Wait anything I pictured what she meant.
I want to Puke
"What you have imagined is not wrong my fellow female."
I felt the ground shake a figure had kinda flew out of my head. Why didn't it hurt.

"You look a bit extra

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"You look a bit extra." She looked shook.

"Probably because I am......." She looked off to the side with a blank derpy expression.

"Last time I remembered kakashi liked this form but what if his personality is different. Dimensions aren't always the same.... have you heard of hogwarts yet?"
"No I haven't it sounds magical"
"It is magical." She said eyes closed head bobbing up and down.
I nodded this one is a special one she is.
"That She is"
Shut up.
"Bitch nah..."
Fine! I will not make a penis joke for a.......... week!
"Fine I'll be quiet for the rest of the day."
I was just joking.... but I don't mind this new found silence."
"Okay thank youuuuuu......
Wait what."
"Shh.." "be quiet"

Somewhere else with naruto,Sakura,and my favourite duck!
"Where's Akari" Narutos glared at the duckheaded bastard.
"Why do you want to know!"
"Because She is our team mate"
"Hmmmmmmmmmmm" naruto narrowed his eyes even more.
If that's possible.
He took a derp face on soon after.
"I don't know."
He scratched the back of his neck sheepishly
"Hn. Whatever idiot."
"HELLOOOOO!!!!!" Akari all but screamed rolling in the air sort of she soon hit a tree with a loud thud.
"That fucking hurt!"
"Sorry I spoke a little french."
"What the fuck!" Naruto swore.....
"Naruto what the hell why did you swear jeez."
Naruto looked like a deer caught in the headlights.
I just can't..... even
"Humph." I looked away in my saltiness.
"Where the fuck is Jade!" "Sasuke do you know that two people follow you around everyday?" The two floating people looked at me like I was sliced bread. Sasuke looked at me like I was insane..... I am.
" I believe the saying is best thing since sliced bread."
No one caressss
"Holy shit the transparent things just looked at me it so weird."
I screamed jumping into a just appeared jades arms. "Where were you?"
"I was taking my time I had to scope out for a certain person because all honesty they have a good butt."
"You were stalking some one?"
She had a shit eating grin as she said this I nodded in understanding
" she would totally eat kakashi a shit tho"
You are probably right. Why are you so smart today?
"I know a few guys with good butts as well."
I stared intensely at Sasuke butt
She nodded.
I looked up sasuke was blushing
"Shikamaru also has a fine butt like it looks so good~"
I nodded in agreement
"What did angel say?"
"Hmm she said shika has a good butt. I think she's right shika does have that's fine butt." I licked my lips.... they were chapped.
"You're so wierd"
Shut up no penis jokes for a week!
She went too her emo corner.
"What's your favourite animal?"
Naruto asked in interest
" I love ducks~They are so cute!!!"
Once again they looked at me like I was insane.
Sakura looked like she was looking for a time to join in the conversation.
"No one cares about her"
That's not nice.
I took a packet of pocky out of my pocket and ate one.
And of course Sakura had to take notice of a snack that I am never without.
"Oi kakashi said not to eat!"
"I like squids"
"Who asked?" "No one then just stop talking" Naruto is a Loki savage
"While we wait we should play truth or dare!"
Jade said excitedly clapping her hands. Eyeing sasuke and I. I wonder why she's looking at my pocky like that.
I glared hugging my pocky too my chest tightly.
"Mine." 😑

She was like wtf.
but I knew she was actually like give me your pocky,
and I will not give her this pocky!!!
"Truth or dare Akari?"
"I will choose dare but if you take my pocky away there will be a death!"
She nodded
Intense wait and silence every one had formed a circle I had the urge to play duck, duck, goose. But I didn't and at last she spoke. *Dramatic music in the background*
"I dare you to do the pocky challenge with Sasuke."
"I don't share food."
"It's a dare." She chided happily.
"Don't do it!!" Sakura and naruto screamed at the same time.
I put the pretzel end in his mouth. I went too take my first bite.....
"Sorry I'm late."


Hope you enjoyed my update. I didn't think it was good but I hope you enjoyed it I might publish the next one soon. Xoxoxo hugs and cookies

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