Narwhals are the unicorns of the sea!

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"WAKE UP!!!!!" I yelled at Naruto I can't believe this

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"WAKE UP!!!!!" I yelled at Naruto I can't believe this. the roles are supposed to be switched now I have to wake him up so he is not completely late how god damn annoying I was suppose to be in bed not him.
"What narwhals are the unicorns of the sea?! Oh hey sis what time is it? "
"It's 7:30"
"Oh shoot we gonna be late come on get ready sis You need to get ready for our last day of the academy No being late this time."
"Well I strongly disagree even tho it's the last day doesn't mean I shouldn't be late big bro plus breaking my record of being late is pointless so you go and I go out to eat Ramen because you didn't get me any."

"How did you know I had Ramen?"   "I can smell it aswell!"

"I can smell it on you , you meanie actually I might get pocky and Ramen if I'm lucky enough, Yep sounds like a plan , Big bro run along now while I eat food." He sighed defeated that's what he get's *Evil chibi laugh* "Bye than little sis." "Bye,bye big bro have fun not being late and tell Iruka I'm still asleep okay?" "Yes, yes." He said walking out the door okay what should I wear so hard to choose I'll just wear whatever I find first sounds like a plan okay I got a Red and white crop top some jeans belt and a sword perfect now How do I adjust my wings to be more comfortable in this outfit eh whatever I'll braid my hair to lazy for a shower okay I'm ready to eat yay let's go eat FOOD!

~after eating food

"Oh shit the exams would be starting now, Teleportation Jutsu." *Poof*
"Oh hey Iruka sorry for being late and startling the class."I said cheerfully "You don't seem sorry?!" He said yelling jeez who pissed in his cereal "That's why I'm sorry." "What ever please take your seat next to Sasuke." "Why sasuke?" "Because your the only girl not completely all over him plus he doesn't seem to hate you." "Fine." I said walking at first but then I realized I left Haru at home I looked at my seat and saw my dog scratching at the window I ran and pushed Sasuke over."There you are." I said as I sat down on my SEAT not sasuke's just to make it clear to the reader's . Sasuke just climbed back to his seat mumbling things I couldn't care to listen to I wonder if I got enough pocky on me right now I'll check. Okay I have enough pocky but I feel like Somethings wrong someone looking at me feels normal oh yes I'm not asleep that's the longest I've been awake in class I woke up by some one yelling my name."Jeez I'm awake what do you want."It's your turn so follow me and do the clone jutsu when we enter the room. I entered the room saw a guy with white hair he gives of a gross vibe maybe he's a pedo Yeah whatever I'll just ignore him "Okay Akari please perform at the least 3 clones of your self." "Okay." I said not moving my hands I decided to glare at the white haired ninja he really wasn't giving me a good vibe he seemed disgraceful I then cloned myself enough to fill most of the room they were talking about shoes or new lollies I should try I just agreed until."Good you pass." I then decided to take a head band I had a feeling Naruto was going to pass this year I don't know it's just a feeling "Please grab a head band Akari and get Naruto." I simply nodded."Bro you're up next." he nodded unsure." Naruto I have a feeling you'll pass this year, Ya'know." He nodded again but this time full of determination. that's my big bro future hokage yeah I'm so proud*Wipes away tear* they grow up so fast I can't I just can't I need to eat my feeling right now I was walking to my bag until some people grabbed me and pulled me to a alley "Stay away from My Sasuke-kun you bitch, I can't believe you have the guts to sit next to him Knowing full well we will hurt for it." "What ever you Chihuahua's can't do any thing but talk you Hit like girls but look like ugly wild pigs now leave me the fuck alone I want to fucking eat." I said darkly No one and I mean no one get's in my way of eating my food plus choji might sniff out my stash of food. One girl yelled"Why you little!" And swung to hit me but got air." Now fuck off chihuahua's I want to grab my bag and fucking eat .scram.shoo. go on now. "I said the last bit a little to cheerful because they were moving And I can get my food yay I felt lazy all of a sudden and decided I should just fly every where from now on.

Sorry for the short chapter I hope you enjoyed it. here's some cookies all the pocky's mine so don't think about asking me for some well bye xoxo.

Author :Akari you broke the fourth wall... I'm so proud

Akari: Can I brake the fourth wall next chapter."


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