The war in my head.

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(akari is in bold tailed beasts in italics.)

After all these years Its awake.
I always knew this was going to happen.
It was never permanent. I was never permanent.
Why was it trapped there in the first place?
I look around me, is this déjà vu I feel?
Has this happened to me before.?

I see the friends around her. I can't speak tho what is this. Did she hit her head when I took over? Why does my neck hurt is it the guilt of stealing her body. I don't understand what is happening she was an easy target.
You can't. You won't and you shaln't decieve my friends.
You don't have friends. These people only pity you. You aren't anything special. You are weaker than Sakura. Dumber than your brother Naruto. More emotionless than sasuke. More psychotic than Danzo and Orochimaru combined. You are so good at being bad. Why do you want to be good when you are good for nothing and dumb.
Shut up!!

Suddenly everything blanked out. It felt like I put my life on auto pilot. Like I'm not even in the plane. I'm just watching the plane in the airport take off.
Probably never to be seen again.

The weak girl is gone now. It's our go.

Narutos POV
"Hey sis, Snap out of it!!"
She looked at me. Her eyes looked dead she had lost all the warmth in them. Her mouth opened she struggled to let out normal speech. What she tried to say sounded incoherent and made little sense. I started to hear some form of whispering. Her gaze fell on her hand with some thingys connecting her to a machine. She ripped them off causing blood spray. She jumped out of the window on the 10th floor.
That was not my sister. That was evil.
We all sat there in horror and disbelief.
"What just happened?" Sakura needs to shut up!
"Sakura be quiet." Sasuke at least understands but he needs to shut up aswell. What the fuck just happened. She just did that and she jumped. With out realising it I raced to the window to check if blood had sprayed everywhere..... nothing. It is like she just disappeared. She can't disappear ,not yet. I'm not even hokage she didn't stick around like she said she would she lied and now she's gone.

I guess it will be another one of those nights where I'll spent way to much time worrying about something that doesn't really matter. But it does and it's you, Akari how could you leave. You where the only family I had left and even you abandoned me. My angel is gone.

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