graduation part 2

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As I was flying and I over heard two lady's talking about my brother and I
"I'm glad that the boy didn't pass he would be a huge threat to the village."
Thing 1 said they are not lady's any more
"Yeah and I heard the girl passed and she's worse she isn't even a human I heard."

"Yeah she's just a freak a thing but her brother I have no words he's just dirt." I snapped I flew over their in a instant .
"Listen here you can call me dirt,thing,demon ,b!tch ,disgusting anything but my brother is far from dirt he will become future Hokage and ya'know what my brother has a name his name is Naruto Uzumaki remember it because he'll become the greatest ninja in the whole Entire world and he won't look down on you because he is a fudging great person but me I am not, so I will tell you this I'm warning you if you talk badly about my brother ever again I suggest run for the fudging hills and don't look back because I'll be hot on your tail."

They shrunk back afraid and I saw there was a crowd around us damn this must be piss of Akari day I am not down for drama today I'll just go home ...... Wait where's Naruto and haku oh shutter's I need to get my food before choji

As I opened the door I saw haku and choji finishing of my pocky I sat there crying there eating my precious pocky. Soon you heard a shrill scream.

All of a sudden I was awoken by a unfamiliar bark oh I see Haku found a boyfriend
"Hey little guy what's your name are you haku's boyfriend."
I said to the other cute puppy they just doggy blushed and I chuckled evily
"Haku, I'm sending you to Izumo and Tetsu to train you. A dog shouldn't have so much sweets. I'll only come get you when they had enough or you are fit okay."

I just got a annoyed woof back I will take that as a annoyed yes

"Oh and choji I am sure I should give you a warning don't touch my food again because if you do, you won't live to see the next day." Choji nodded numbly still feeling a pain in his jaw from when I kicked him.

Time skip~

I collected a tired Haku from the guards she fell asleep as soon as I laid her down on her dog bed So precious and cute. It's almost twelve I better get going. I walked to my little cliff clearing I usually went when I'm happy or made a new song I'm happy and I have a new song this is in dedication of big bro and Sasu. I pulled out a key board from no where and began singing my song I call ,you can be king again (full credit to the person who actually made the song I do not own it.)

Shhhh........ you'll never suspect who this is drum role.....

Sasuke's P.O.V Bam I'm on a role of being unpredictable.

I was taking a midnight stroll near the forest and cliff around the out skirts of the village. I stopped hearing the voice of a absolute angel {guess who it is tehe you'll never guess}It sounded like Akari {shit how did he know.} walking up the cliff I found her with her guard down Eye's closed playing the keyboard perfectly while singing like a goddess.

The lyrics touched my heart.I ran away silently trying to leave unnoticed when she finished the song.When I reached my home I had to take care of some business (If Ya know what I mean ;) tehe)

I'm so sorry everyone for not updating and for such a short chapter I just got to many Idea's for new books and I haven't even completed this one . Here have one cookie no wait have the whole box but I ain't giving you my poky no way. by hugs xoxo.

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