We are part of a team, believe it

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"Big bro were where you last night you stayed past your curfew again!" I yelled my hair that was out raised up like the nine tails and I had multiple irk marks.
"Um...Um here have some pocky." I immediately took and became much happier
"Haku wake up! I'm getting Nara-san to teach you shadow control or what ever they call it." Haku just groaned
"Naruto what are you doing don't forget to tell me why you are so late for curfew it is legit 5 am when I wake up to make you! breakfast and then go back to sleep again you are 12 hours late for curfew and also why the hell do you smell like Ramen again don't tell me you went to eat Ramen without me jeez you are such a hassle sometimes Naruto."
I said more in a pouting voice then anything he just cooed while I was waving him off

"Big bro at least tell me why you were late like come on you are twelve hours late you only have..... wait when are we supposed to get to the academy again?"
"Well it's understandable you never go to the academy on time."
"Well think about it I have to learn stuff I already know which drains my energy so I sleep to keep my energy up and also to annoy Sasuke."
"Yeah good Idea annoying sasuke is fun."
"Yes and stop avoiding the question why are you late for curfew!?"


I am amazing I know and also I will not do a huge recap (Lol I almost said huge crap instead of recap okay onto the story now xoxoxo)

"Oh okay well bye and good job I don't know what to say um..... Yay you defeated an asshole okay sleep now bye have a good day take haku with you so ah forget it just get me when we meet our new sensei."
"Okay well bye"

I woke up with Naruto, duck butt, bubble gum and Mr.gravity pompom llama thing
"Hi what are you doing in my house."
I stated more then asked I could care less I got a great song Idea now I summoned my note book (Don't even ask) and wrote down who I am going to kill next joking jeez I wrote down my song I am serious stop looking at me like that *sigh* okay I was going to kill a duck because it quacked a bad word at me and tried eating me but that's all okay ,fine I was maybe going to murder an octopus but that was only so- I don't have an explanation.
"Umm sis are you okay?"
"Mentally..... No"
"Yes just a little annoyed to dee a random llama in my room bubble gum and a ducky ,jeez what did I tell you about bringing pets in without telling me and don't say I'm not the boss of you when I clean cook and heaven knows what else follow the rules! Now explain why they are in our home I did not get an opportunity to clean yet?"

"Well one you are adorable when you sleep so we actually been watching you for 30 minutes without blinking and also this 'Llama' is our sensei Kakashi doesn't give any detail on his likes or dislikes and never thought of his dream."
He's a pervert." I nodded in agreement with the angle thing in my head.

"Well, telling by the book he is reading he likes reading, perverted stuff, probably dislikes brats and has more then one dream so he won't tell us anything because he's a lazy shit I already like him but so help me Naruto if you use the sexy jutsu on him i'm gonna hit you in the nuts so hard they'll explode."

Naruto gulped
"She will do it!" I think this angel is secretly evil
"I hear your thoughts..... that's not nice." I think she's pouting

"Well you should intro- and she's asleep." Kakashi said she quickly woke up
"Sorry I just realized how boring this conversation was and thought it was over.......... what do you want?"
"Tell us about your self ."
"Why not?"
"Fine! (Sounding like a distressed llama) I like stuff I dislike stuff I have hobbies and I have dreams" And now sleep.

"Your sister is very interesting."
"Yep she's like an angel."
"Sure some might say that."
Naruto beamed with joy at his adorable sister thinking how much his life has changed since she fell into it. (Literally) He is loved now when no one else will give him the time of day except to beat him up his sister came in and saved him.


sorry for not updating and thank you for commenting and voting reading eating breathing stuff like that living and okay I'll be quiet now you see the o's well spot the 0. comment if you do or just don't that's okay meany's here have a hug and a cookie while I'm at it Maybe my pocky box mm..... No xoxoxoxo XD bye P.S sorry for a really long author note and a really short story I am going to update more frequently also.
Future self : "the lies I told I did not update more frequently...... I'm sorry."

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