Akari's past Part 2

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Hokage's P.O.V

I could sense an extremely strong chakra nearby I looked out the window to see an Angel?! it looked extremely young around a elementary school student, what was it again oh yes 11 welp i better check it out.

 {Hokage:" crosses his legs takes a puff of his pipe." 

Author: "Ahem go now!!!!! "

Hokage: "ok, ok, ok i'm going."

 Author: "hymph thank you." and steals a sacred scroll ha I'll be a ninja Yay !!! } (back to story)

 I look out the window again and decided to jump out the window I was surprised to see a little girl stopping herself from dyeing with wings? huh interesting "Excuse me little one"

Akari's P.O.V 

That drop was cold better put that jacket on {chibi form} ACHOO! ,"ha I just sneezed as well," *sits on ground goes threw bag and grabs out the orange Uzumaki jacket puts it on stands up*{chibi form over}

That drop was cold better put that jacket on {chibi form} ACHOO! ,"ha I just sneezed as well," *sits on ground goes threw bag and grabs out the orange Uzumaki jacket puts it on stands up*{chibi form over}

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What the jacket looks like on her She still has wings and her hair is out but longer and  lighter ^

3rd person P.O.V

Hokage speaks again but louder without trying to coo over the cuteness he just witnessed "Excuse me little one!"(but not to loud still calm just a little voice raise okay) she flinched and look up {chibi form activated}"Hey sir"{chibi form deactivated} Hokage couldn't help it any more and he let out a little fan boy squeal which caught Akari off guard she tilted her head to the side in confusion.

Hokage P.O.V

she is extremely cute okay calm down breath in breath out

 "what's your name?" I asked as calmly as possible

 "I'm Akari sir.What's your name." Akari replied 

"Hokage but call me  gramps kiddo." she smiles a million dollar closed eye smile and 

"Kay Kay~"

Awe wait get back on track she looks like Naruto's twin sister that was separated from him because a figure that had wings flew off with her, "lol how did he know!", and Naruto's twin sister was the only person I ever knew over than that mysterious thing that had wings hmmm..... I wonder, she even has a Uzumaki jacket O well I GUESS it proves it since she was wearing that when the thing flew off with her 

 "Hey um... why do you have wings?" it came out differently it sounded a bit insulting but I meant nothing by it. 

" Oh um I don't know I was born with them." hmmm... I know

"Hey follow me" she just did a uncertain nod but followed me I was walking up the stairs which are quite long if I do say so myself she just turned her head to the side and poofed in front of me and she just started walking off in front leaving me a little dumb founded but I just asked if she just wanted to poof there and she just nodded I poofed there first and she poofed there a second after me.

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