The balls

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Kakashi stood there in what I would say speechlessness.
I quickly yanked the pocky out of sasuke mouth and chucked it at him.
"You and jade waste food!" I screamed small fake tears falling from my eyes. As I cradled my box of deliciousness to my chest.
Slowly patting it
I whispered softly and soothingly . "Shh... it's okay I got you now, no one will harm you again."

"Okay.." he trailed of holding his balls in front of him.
"Why are you holding your balls?" Everyone sweat dropped.
"Jeez I just wanted to know why your holding balls" I said walking to a tree.
"These are bells and it's for your task."
"What do your balls have to do with our task?" I ask with great interest.
Look a butterfly.
"Get ready and... START!." Wait what.
In a flash sasuke was gone and sakura was as well.
Me and naruto the only ones left. Placed completely differently. Him with determination and me with a confused grin.
"You and me right now fair and square, let's go." Naruto shouts I nodded.
We need to get the balls I grimanced.
In a flash I saw Naruto flying holding his butt in pain then landing into the lake/pool thing.

"Naruto!!" He is only allowed to loose his virginity to sasuke or Hinata. I can not except this!!!
It is on. Kakashi time to die.
Wow calm down
I ran at kakashi my arms flailing behind me. Shaping my hands into the tiger sign and then shoving it up his ass he went flying and I grabbed his balls.
Yay. We got balls for days!!!
I hid because I don't want kakashi to steal these balls.
I mean I could of helped my team out but....
watching people fail at life makes me feel good.
Potato's and ducks will take over the world
*gasp* correct how do you know!!!
I'm amazing
I'm so sorry I realised I haven't updated in forever so I just did this one... sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry.

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