Do we pass or fail

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I watched sasuke try and fail attempting to steal kakashis none existent balls. I would like to state he clearly failed to get them and failed to notice the balls weren't even there.

I watched as he tried to round house kick kakashi in the face.

Missing miserably.
Yep but that ass is mighty fine.
You sound like a pedophile
What if i am!?!

I didn't notice sasuke being dragged into the ground by the legs until i looked up ,obviously. He was just a head...

The head of his family!!
I know i got puns for days.

I felt something behind me,i turned around and saw a fucking kakashi the worst type of llama-unicorns there is!
As i viewed the majestic beast i ripped off his mask took a picture and ran like a pussy.

Where the fuck did you get the camera??

I stopped to help sasuke remove his body from the ground the alarm went off.

I spaced out to kakashis stupid ranting, until he asked us a question. Oh shit what did he ask i wasn't paying attention.
"The answers teamwork."
The fuck really!?? i thought it was roast beef.

Everyone looked at me i don't know why though.

"Little sis watch your language!" Naruto half heartedly scalded under his breath.
"Why are you tied up again?"
Maybe this is his kink. I'm his sister and i support his way of life i just hope he doesn't tie himself up in front of me no thanks i don't want to witness that its basically masturbation for him!!!

"Naruto i support you" i say proudly with a thumbs up.

They just ignored me and we were called brats sasuke got mad, than squished, something about a second chance and team work.

I was watching as my beloved brother squirmed in hunger he denied his desires to eat but his stomach betrayed him. I laughed as he shot a glare as sharp as shuriken to his stomach. I then shoved my food in his big mouth. I almost cried as i witnessed my rice ball get eaten. I'll be strong... for you.  A moment of silence for my fallen friends.

I then hit him on the head because he ate my food. What a bitch.

Kakashi appeared out of no were with a happy jade attached onto his arm. His hair was slightly Messier but i won't point that out.........yet.

He said shit like we passed and showed us the killed in action stone and i saw many great shinobis i look up to on that stone. I want to be just like them.
I felt a little fuzzy and passed out. Fuck my luck.

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