Chapter 4-

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Disclaimer-I do not own Tokyo Mew Mew or any related franchise ._. Chapter four-

Cream jogged along the path back to the locker rooms, she’d left behind her maths book. She wasn’t exactly looking forward to it, but she had lots of homework that she had to get done. 

As she slid her book out, a cold gust of wind blew through the door. She turned to face the door, only to see it wasn’t open, but neither were the windows.

She cast a suspicious eye around the room, but her search turned up nothing. There were no signs of anything that could have disturbed the air, let alone made it so cold in the room. She softly padded towards where it had come from, pushing open the door to find herself in the school gym, a large airy building. It was also lacking in a heating system.

“Did someone come through here…?” She mumbled.

Cream pushed her hair away from her face, and looked up to see if someone had left a window open. Nothing. There was no sign of any other people.

Deciding to leave it be she turned to open the door.

Then she felt the air move behind her, barely supressing a scream as cold hands wrapped around her own pinning them to her sides. “You humans really are pathetic; I thought it’d be harder to find a spirit.”

She struggled and squirmed in the grip of the decidedly feminine person, managing to catch only a glimpse of violet eyes and blonde hair. That was more than enough.

“M-Ms Fujina? Is that you?” Giving a hefty tug, she broke free of the hands to see her kind teacher sneering at her with a look of fierce distaste. Her teacher was acting so unlike herself today, and this only proved it further. “Who are you?”

A wicked grin spread across her face as she pulled at her hair, revealing it to be a wig. Underneath long indigo hair flowed out, and pointing out were what looked like elf ears. “Do these answer your question?” She pointed to her ears. “Take a good look; I’m going to be the last person you ever see!”

With that she dashed forward at a speed hardly even human, Cream was sent sprawling backwards reeling in shock.

“Eh? Why are your ears pointy?” The mew just sat in shock, wondering why the stranger had pointed that out. “Should this be ringing a bell?”

The lady snickered at her. “Remember the invasion of Tokyo? Our ancestors should have finished you off when they had the chance, they were all fools. This planet should be ours, not yours. I don’t care what the others say!” With one last growl, she pulled out what seemed to resemble some sort of jellyfish.

Cream found herself being backed into a corner, she felt completely helpless. There wasn’t much she could do to rival the powers of this super-human elf.

The fake Ms Fujina held out a hand, a pinkish hue slowly gathering around it. Suddenly there was a tugging in her chest and she could hardly breathe, it was getting harder by the second. She felt cold inside, as if her soul were missing.

Glancing down, she saw the same pink light coming from her chest, an orb of energy sitting just under her skin.

“Huh? Your spirit… it’s strong.” Her hand muscles tensed as if trying to put more glow into the already dimming light. “Oh well, that doesn’t matter. There aren’t any Mew Mews around to save you now.” A flash of recognition crossed her face, Mew Mews.

She sub-consciously reached into her pocket, sliding out a small glittering pendant. The elf-girl eyed her, an arrogant look adding to the negative emotion displayed on her face. “Making your last wishes?”

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