Chapter Six-

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I finally got around to finished chapter six... I had the first few paragraphs sitting there for ages, I couldn't think of anything to write. I hope I did a good job on this chapter, and you guys enjoys it. ^.^

Oh yeah, and thanks to everyone for over 300 reads! I know it doesn't compare to some stories on Wattpad, but honestly, I freaked out when Blue Stars first got twenty reads, so 300 is way more than I expected!


Chapter Six-

The next morning, Cream ran to the window as soon as she woke up. She was not encouraged by what she saw.

The sky had remained a deep indigo, if anything it was worse than before. Cream could feel panic growing within her, slowly but surely.

“Dear, come down to breakfast soon or you’ll be late for school!” She heard her mother call from downstairs. With a sigh she moved her hair out of her face, and managed a smile in front of her mirror, and pushed back down her panic before heading downstairs.


She had focused solely on her classwork at school, and tried to ignore the feeling in her stomach as she stared at her teacher.  It hadn’t really been her yesterday, had it? Of course not.

“H-hey, are you feeling okay?” Kayla smiled timidly as she leaned over her desk to tap Cream on the shoulder.

“Yeah, I suppose. The atmosphere is just kind of getting to me.” Cream laughed.

“Are those clouds bothering you, too?” Kayla frowned seriously, “The news wasn’t much help this morning, and no one really knows what caused the clouds to turn purple.”

“…Maybe it was Aliens…” Cream half-heartedly grumbled, rolling her purple eyes.

“Aliens?” Her blonde friend laughed softly. “Maybe.”

“Cream!” Alice hollered as she raced up to her desk, slamming her hands on her desk and making both of the quieter girls flinch.

“Are you even planning on telling me about that café?” She pouted in what she seemed to think was a puppy-like manner.

Cream stared at her for a while, building tension. “…Probably not.”

“What?! Why not?” She demanded with a scowl.

Cream already had the answer. It was just a matter of finding another one to give Alice. “Because Reece said so.”

“Reece? He’s that rude blonde, right?” She squinted at her accusingly, narrowing her hazel eyes.

“Yep! That’s my story!” With a firm nod she closed the conversation, leaving Alice to mope off.


“Sorry, Kayla, got something real important, so I’ll see you tomorrow!” Cream told her friend before racing off to the café with the confused blonde staring after her.

On her way she crashed into more people than she’d have liked, as she’d kept her eyes firmly down at the cobble stone pavement avoiding the indigo sky above.

How was she supposed to fix something like that? She’d had a hard enough time fighting the one alien-elf girl yesterday, if there were more than the one she was sure to lose, she quickly shook her head. She’d just have to do her best.

And suddenly the pavement was a lot closer and she was staring at the sky. She’d crashed into yet another person, although this time the both of them had been knocked to the ground.

“I-I’m sorry! I’m just in a really big hurry and…” Cream started to panic a little bit, but the person smiled reassuringly.

“Nah, don’t worry about it! I wasn’t paying attention either.”

She seemed to be the same height as Cream, which wasn’t saying much, so she was likely a year or two younger. She was wearing sporty looking clothes, or at least, they seemed that way from Cream’s perspective. A crop top and shorts.

And then she saw a pink mark on her stomach. A pink that looked a lot like the pink on Cream’s snowflake mark.

“You’re a mew?!” She pointed at the mysterious girl with wide eyes.

“ ’Scuese me?”

Cream gasped, before grabbing the brunette’s hand and pulling her up. “What’s your name?”

She looked at her reproachfully before answering. “It’s Apricot.”

“Okay! My name’s Cream, come with me!”

“Wait, what? Where?!” But Cream had already started running again, towing Apricot along, although it didn’t stay like that for long as Apricot quickly caught up.

“Where the hell are you taking me? You can’t just kidnap me like this, y’know.”

“Uhm… Well, Reece and Lucas didn’t really tell me what to do if I actually found a mew…”

“Mew? You mean those animal girls from ages ago? What’s the deal with that?”

Cream laughed nervously as they arrived at the café in all its pink magnificence, quickly walking up to the door and knocking as loud as she dared.

“Hey, you listening?” The brunette poked her as she rocked back and forward on her feet.

When they heard the door clicking Cream sighed in relief, she could ask Reece about all this and then everything would be cleared up and the sky would go back to normal.


When Lucas opened the door Cream immediately bombarded him with information, to which he simply replied “Let’s go find Reece.”

Cream grabbed Apricots wrist and dragged her along behind as she trailed Lucas.

“Hey! Reece! Cream’s here!”

Reece immediately poked his head out one of the doors. “Great, we need her to fix the sky.”

Cream jumped happily, “So you know how to?”

“Well, no. Who’s that?” He stared at Apricot who just stared back, having no more knowledge about what was going on than when she’d first bumped into Cream.

“This is Apricot. She’s a mew! I think. I hope. She is, right? She has a pink mark. Wait, it’s not a tattoo, is it?” She turned to Apricot with a hopeful look.

“It’s not a tattoo. I don’t know why it’s there, in showed up after I got this really bad migraine…” She glared at them suspiciously. “…That wasn’t you guys was it?”

Lucas put his hands up in surrender and shook his head violently while Reece just shrugged. “Probably.”

And then she just laughed. “This is hilarious! This is one of those prank shows, right? You even made the café and everything! Ahahah! Nice one, you had me for a second.”

Lucas turned to Cream, and whispered to her. “This is going to be harder than I thought. Which brings up something else, why did you believe me and Reece so easily?” Cream twitched and stared down at her feet, allowing her bangs to cover her eyes.

“W-Well… I guess it never really crossed my mind that you guys could be lying… But now that you mention it…”

“Don’t go back on yourself now!” Lucas yelled alarmed at her sudden mood change, and Apricot gave him a weird look.

“Oh, wait! This is one of those weird roleplay groups, isn’t it?!” She had a look of realization on her face, as Reece face palmed in the background, but she paid him no mind. “Didya want me to join? Well, I guess I can play along for now.”  She smiled cheerfully.

“I-I guess it’s better than nothing, huh?” Lucas forced a smile as Cream laughed at how utterly doomed she was.

Blue stars: A Tokyo Mew Mew FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now