Always Platonic

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As soon as the taxi arrived to pick the band up from where the bus broke down, they all scurried towards it like ants finding food at a picnic. Well, almost all of them ran towards the car. It was way too early in the morning for Mitch to run, not to mention the fact that he despised all forms of exercise. "I call shotgun!" Kevin exclaimed, reaching for the black, front door handle before anyone else could grab it.

"Behave yourselves!" Esther shouted after them like a mother would at her naughty children. "I should be at the hotel in a few hours, I just need to sort out this big mess!" She exhaled as she realised none of them were listening to her, they were too focused on making it to the car first - typical. "I have your luggage here with me, make sure to check in at the front desk as soon as you arrive and don't forget-"

"Esther! We'll be fine, for goodness sake," Avi yelled in response. He knew his sister had a natural mother instinct but they were all mature adults, not a bunch of clueless five year olds. 

"Damn it, Kev. I wanted to sit in the front," Scott complained as he climbed in the back of the car, squished in the middle between Avi and Kirstie so they wouldn't kill each other with their bare hands. Everyone was already in bad spirits from all the commotion so early in the day, the fact that Avi and Kirstie couldn't stand being in the same room as each other for more than a few minutes certainly didn't help their disastrous situation.

"You snooze you lose, brother. Going to the gym everyday is helping me with my stamina, I guess," he smirked as he flexed his arm to show off his large biceps. Swole check, as he liked to call it.

As Mitch finally arrived to the car after a slow walk, he realised he probably should've ran along with everyone else. "Um, where is Mommy going to sit?" Only then did the rest of the band realise they were five people with only four seats in the car.

"You're going to have to sit on someone's lap, son," the taxi driver said in shortly in a thick, Spanish accent.

"Not me," Kirstie added almost immediately. "I'm about the same size as you, Mitchy, you'll crush me. I'm just not up to having you on my lap for an hour's drive."

"Just sit in Scott's lap," Avi muttered quietly, leaning his head against the window and feeling a bit grumpy from getting very little sleep. Both Scott and Mitch noticeably tensed up at that suggestion. "You've done it a thousand times before in the past, this wouldn't be any different."

"Avi, you dumb shit! What do you think Alex would have to say if he found out his husband's ex was sitting in his lap?" Kirstie piped up from the other side of the car. "Why don't you just let Mitch sit in your lap?"

"How is Alex going to find out, huh? And if Alex truly trusted Scott like a good husband should, he would know that this means nothing, simply just a way of getting to the hotel," Avi argued back. He did have a valid point though.

"It's either someone's lap or the trunk, my boy," the taxi driver said as the situation was out of his control. Scott stared at Mitch in anticipation of what his answer would be, while Mitch only had eyes for the ground underneath him.

Mitch let out a long, heaving sigh and mumbled, "Yeah, okay. Whatever." Awkwardly, but as carefully as possible seeing as he didn't want to poke and prod any sensitive places, he crawled over Kirstie and settled in Scott's cosy, spacious lap, already dreading the moment when he would have to get off again. But this was just for transport purposes, nothing more. It couldn't be anything more after their complicated history together.

Scott, being the awkward person he was, didn't know where to put his hands. Finally he decided to slip them around Mitch's skinny waist and heard a sharp intake of breath coming from the smaller boy's mouth. "Is this okay?" Scott whispered gently in his ear, not wanting to upset or make his friend feel uncomfortable. Mitch honestly didn't know how to respond. After all that happened between them they were still friends but they were never intimate the same way they were before. 

"I love you," Scott whispered, sweeping his large palms over Mitch's tiny body, making the younger boy shiver underneath him. 

"I... I love you more," Mitch gasped into his mouth, arching his back at the pleasure of Scott's fingertips on his skin.

"This is forever, right?" The blonde boy murmured in question as pushed Mitch's purple bangs out of his face. "We'll be together until the very end?"

"I would never dream of leaving you, Scott."

Mitch was quickly thrown back into reality and remembered Scott's question. "I'm fine. Always platonic, remember?" He replied with a cute, small smirk that made Scott's face heat up slightly. 

"Always platonic, Mitchy."

sorry this is kind of a filler but it also gives you insight of what has happened between scott and mitch in the past. it will become waaaay more interesting, I promise ;)

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