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Avi woke up feeling like his head had been smashed into the wall about twenty times. Groaning loudly, he got up from his warm bed in order to brush his teeth. However, the moment his feet made contact with the ground, he had a sudden urge to empty out the contents in his stomach. So he dashed to the bathroom and did just that, groaning some more as he wiped his mouth. Now he definitely needed to brush his teeth.

As the taste of mint swirled around in Avi's mouth, he tried to recall as much of last night as he possibly could. They played Truth or Dare, that much he could remember. Mitch said something funny that made him laugh, Kevin passed out on the couch eventually, Kirstie admitted something embarrassing.


Images of himself and Kirstie making out in Scott and Mitch's room flooded his mind until they slowly developed into images of him and Kirstie kissing outside his room last night. What had possessed her to kiss him willingly? It was probably just the alcohol affecting her ability to think straight; there was no way a sober Kirstie would kiss him. 

Yes, that was the reason, Avi had decided. Just like he wasn't thinking straight when he kissed Kirstie back. He hated her with every cell in his body, and she felt the same way about him. That's how things had always been and that's how they would stay. He would forget about last night, it didn't mean anything to him nor Kirstie, all he had to do now was to figure out how to forget...

A loud, continous buzz coming from Avi's bedside table brought him back to reality as he spat out the foamy mixture in his mouth and went to retrieve his cellphone. 

6 messages from Scotty Hotwing:

hello r u awake babe
miss avriel? miss avriel? oh my fuckin gosh she fuckin dead
r u a bear or something r u hibernating
ok well the whole band is down by the hotel's restaurant for LUNCH
come and meet us down there when u wake up 

Avi checked his phone's clock and was absolutely astounded to see that it was already two in the afternoon. He knew he tended to sleep in late but this way too late to be normal, no wonder Scott was so worried about him. Avi quickly tapped a reply to his friend before hopping into the shower to quickly get ready. 

One thing about Avi was that he never took long to get ready, so within a few minutes he was downstairs already, strolling over to where his four band mates were sitting with plates of food in front of them. Scott was the first to see the bearded man headed the way and jumped out of his seat to greet him cheerfully. Clearly some of them handled alcohol better than others.

"Avi! I thought you would never get out of bed at this rate," Scott joked, guiding him to his seat next to Mitch, a plate stacked full of saucy, barbecue ribs in front of him on the wooden table. He stared hard at the meat on his plate so his eyes wouldn't drift off to the lovely lady sitting across from him, who he was sure was also staring at him. Just before Avi and the rest of the gang could dig into their different foods, Scott stopped them all. 

"Wait, before you all start eating, Esther talked to me this morning about the way to go forward with this whole 'being trapped in Vegas' situation." Four heads nodded to show Scott to continue. "Well, she told me she managed to arrange another bus and a way to get us back home, but I told her maybe we should just make the best out of a bad scenario and turn this into a little vacation. We've been touring non-stop and I think it would be good for us as a band to bond and relax."

Avi tensed up a bit and glanced at Kirstie who was already staring back at him, biting her lip unknowingly. A month with Kirstie? He wasn't sure if he would survive it. His feelings of hatred for her before were now melting and moulding into different emotions, causing him to just feel a strong amount of confusion. 

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